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Q: How do you know if your dog has distemper or if it is just allergies?
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Could your dog have distemper if her nose sounds congested when she breathes?

If your dog has had all their shots (important to keep their shots up-to-date) then it's doubtful. If you leave your dog at a kennel be sure they are up-to-date on "kennel cough" shots. Your dog could have allergies or nodules in his/her nose. It's best to take your dog to the vet to get a final diagnosis. Good luck Marcy Distemper is actually the doggy form of measles. While congestion is a symptom of distemper it is also a symptom of a myriad of other diseases including allergies. If it's a problem take your dog to a vet and heave it checked out.Dogs with distemper have a dark bloody dirrhea with an odor that is unforgettable. Just a congested nose does not signify distemper.

Can a puppy with distemper give it to an adult dog?

Yes, if the adult dog was not vaccinated against distemper he can be infected by a sick puppy. If the adult dog has current vaccinations he is not at risk.

If a dog has had the distemper vaccine will it still contract the disease from another infected dog?

no they only get distemper once and ether die or pull on though

Why does your dog sneeze?

uh, allergies... just like humans.

What are some names of vaccination shots that you give to your dog?

If you take your dog to the vet. The vet will know which ones are important. Ones he might get are Parvo, Distemper, and Rabies.

How do you use distemper in a sentence?

You can use distemper in a sentence in a few ways. One way is to use it in a sentence about a dog.

Each of the dog ......... had shots for distemper?

Which "dogs" are you referring to?

Is the booster shot the same as the distemper shot for dogs?

a booster is just an informal name used to refer to the shot that was initially given to your dog a year prior. It can be a distemper or rabies shot or another shot. booster is just your dog needing to be re-vaccinated since most vaccines only last for one year

What shots does your dog need?

Rabies,distemper, parvo,and more.

Can cats get distemper from dogs?

Dog cannot get distemper from cats. The viruses that cause dog and cat distemper are different from each other so cannot be passed between cats and dogs. There are wild animals such as raccoons that can get both canine and feline distemper and pass it to unvaccinated pets if attacked.

Can a vaccine for rabies fight another disease such as distemper?

No. Rabies vaccine is just that-a vaccine for rabies. To protect your dog against distemper,parvo and other diseases the dog must also be vaccinated agaist those. Frequently these are given in a combination shot,so your dog only has to get poked once to be protected from up to 7 diseases. Rabies vaccine,however,is always just for rabies.

How long do you have to wait to bring your dog in your house if another dog with distemper was in your house?

Distemper is very contagious! You should clean all areas that the previous dog with distemper was in or on. Use a cleaning solution of one part bleach to 10 parts water. Wipe down everything you can. The best solution is to make sure the new dog is up to date on their distemper vaccinations (DHLP/Parvo a combination vaccine against Distemper, Hepatitis, Lepto, Parainfluenza and Parvo). Make sure if this is an adult dog, that they have had their Distemper vaccination within the last 6 months, if not then then revaccinate again in 2-3 weeks. Wait about 3-4 weeks from that last distemper vaccine before bringing in the new dog. If it is a puppy that is coming in, that could be bad. You just never know for sure when the puppy has built up enough immunity as the Dam's antibodies could be interfering with the distemper vaccines up through 4-5 months. That is why you vaccinate a pup starting at 7-8 weeks, then again 3 weeks later, then again 3 weeks later, then the last one to be given at 4 months. Distemper is a shame to see these days when we have vaccines to prevent that. It is a horrible virus that causes a lot of pain, seizures, etc. etc. Very painful way to die.