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There are some obvious signs that a dog's leg is broken, and you already know what they are, at least in severe cases. If you suspect a fracture or have any doubts whatsoever about the state of your dog's health, please, please contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. If finances are an issue, tell the vet up front and ask about payments or reduced rates or other "help" that you might get. == Is he/she walking on it? Is it swollen? Is it bent at a very strange angle? If the answer is yes to all of these questions, you dog's leg is most likely broken or fractured. If he/she is only not walking on it, than it may just be that your dog twisted it or something like that. If he/she isn't walking on it and it's swollen, maybe something bit him/her, and it pains him/her a lot. If it's bent at a strange angle, it is most likely broken.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Generally, the leg will swell up very large and the dog will not put any weight on the leg. He may also whine, hide away from people or try to get very close to you (depending on his personality). If you suspect a broken leg, I suggest you take your dog to your veterinarian - a simple physical exam will rule out a broken bone if that's not the problem.

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14y ago

You should get it x-rayed at the hospital.

You would also be able to tell by the amount of pain that you are

okay, well i broke my leg because i fell off a swing. My leg was bent in a very odd position and i couldn't feel it. When i got up it hurt like hell when i put pressure on it in order to walk. My leg was very bruised and swollen. I went to the hospital and got

Ok there smart &$&, some of us have higher pain thresholds than others. I was sparring with my wife at Martial Arts class and she accidentally kneed me on the side of my thigh and being that I literally have no money and no insurance, I'm trying to determine if my leg is broken or fractured or if I just have a nasty frogged up muscle. Hurts pretty much all the time, moments of intense white as sheet pain and then tolerable coherent ie this answer LOL So the question is do I go to the hospital, there's no bruising that I can see but the muscle is extremely swollen but I can move my foot and toes.

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14y ago

If you feel:

  • extreme pain in your whole leg
  • a feeling of extreme pressure in your whole leg
  • bruises that take up a large portion of your leg
  • inability to move your leg

If you're lacking any of these, you're fine you retard. If you have ALL of these and they last for a really long time, your leg is probably broken.

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14y ago

becos its ded

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How can you tell if you have broken your leg?

It hurts. You can't bear weight on the leg. You cannot walk - your broken leg will trail behind you. The biggest indicator however, is that you cannot bear weight on leg that is broken. There are a number of other allied symptoms depending on how bad the break is and where it's located - which will probably be obvious to you.

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The hypothesis of a broken leg is that you fractured your leg.

When was Broken Leg created?

Broken Leg was created in 2009.

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It's not up to you. The vet knows.

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