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That depends on the exact definitions used. Matter has kinetic energy if it moves. Matter that doesn't move does NOT have kinetic energy.However, any matter has heat energy, which is a type of kinetic energy... kinetic energy at the level of individual atoms or molecules.

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Q: How do you know that all matter around you posses kinetic energy?
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Where is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is a energy through movement. When some thing moves, it is kinetic energy.

Is kinetic energy a force or motion or energy?

Kinetic energy is energy of motion. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy it posses because of its motion.

How does kinetic energy happen?

if a body posses motion

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Is every thing in universe posses kinetic energy?

If applied then yes

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If you are told in the question that the object is moving then it most likely posses kinetic energy. When it is not on the ground, it also possess potential energy, gravitational potential energy to be precise. In this case, the bird possesses both.

Where does the pendelum posses the highest potential energy?

At it's highest point where it begins to come back down. It has 0 kinetic energy, so that is when it has the most potential.

How do you prove that gases possess kinetic energy?

kinetic energy is caused because of the random or disordered motion of particles in a system. in gases, the particles are highly disordered and thus they posses high K.E when compared to solids or liquids.

When does a substances particles have more kinetic energy?

This is when a substance a molecule or atom or particle etc. has more energy that has been attained from some an energy source such as heat or light and as a result is able to move around more (it hasmore mobility) i.e A particle is said to have more kinetic energy when it is moving faster (because "kinetic energy" is the energy a particle posses as a result of it's movement) as a result of more energy being applied or gained from the surroundings of the system. This energy can be in the form of heat or light from the surroundings or from the reaction itself.