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Q: How do you know that mother has conflicting feelings about moving from Berlin in the boy in the striped pajamas?
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What is it in Berlin that The Boy in the Striped Pajamas especially missed when moving to Auschwitz?

his grandparents. - but of course the actual 'Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' never went to Berlin.

What is the name of the place were the boy in the striped pajamas took place?

Auschwitz and/or Berlin.

Was out-with in berlin in the The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

No, Out-With is actually Auschwits - the concentration camp in Poland

Why does Bruno move from Berlin in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Bruno's father gets a promotion to 'Out-With' and takes his family with him.

Where Bruno lives The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Bruno first lives in Berlin but then moves to Auschwitz (known to Bruno as Out-With).

What does Bruno in the boy in the striped pajamas see through his window in Berlin?

Bruno sawed a concentration camp, but did not know it was a concentration camp.

Does Bruno live in Poland after he moved from Berlin in the book The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

No, he climbs under the concentration camps fence and is gassed.

Does Bruno blame his father for the fact that he has to move Berlin in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Yes. Bruno thinks his father was stupid to move out of the big house in Berlin to the small, lonely, and old house in "Out-with".

What is the final resolution in the The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Shmuel figures out a plan so that he and Bruce can play together before Bruce moves back to Berlin.

What is the boy in the stripped pajamas about?

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is about a little boy named Bruno, who moves from his comfortable life in Berlin to a stinky, boring house in "Out-With". (Auschwitz) It's about the Holocaust shown from his eyes. Therefore, appropriate for most mature ages.

Does Bruno mother seem happy about the move from the boy in the striped pajamas?

Yes, she did not like it there from the beginning of the book and was ecstatic to be able to move back to Berlin, Germany.

Where does Bruno's dad get a transfer to in the book the boy in the striped pajamas?

Bruno's dad get transferred from Berlin to Auschwitz, after Hitler named he as commandant