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If something is capable of doing work then that entity is assumed to have energy be it in any form. For example a heat is a form of energy which makes the air particles move. Similarly sound is a form of energy which makes them vibrate.

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One way to recognize that an entity is a form of energy is by observing its ability to do work or cause a change in the state of another object or system. Energy can exist in various forms such as kinetic, potential, thermal, electromagnetic, and chemical, each exhibiting specific characteristics that help identify its presence. Additionally, energy is often conserved in a system, meaning it can be transformed from one form to another but cannot be created or destroyed.

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Q: How do you know that some entity is a form of energy?
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When energy changes from one form to another some of the energy is always converted to?

When energy changes form, some of it is always converted to heat. This is due to the inherent inefficiencies in energy conversions, which result in the loss of some energy as heat.

When energy changes form some of the energy always when energy changes form some of the energy always changes into what?

When energy changes form, some of the energy always changes into heat. This is known as the law of conservation of energy, where energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred or converted into different forms. Heat is a common byproduct of energy transformations due to inefficiencies in the process.

When energy changes form some energy is not what?

When energy changes form, some energy is not converted into the desired form and is lost as waste heat. This is known as energy inefficiency and is a common occurrence in many energy conversion processes. One way to minimize energy loss is through improved energy efficiency technologies and practices.

When energy changes from one form to another form what does some of the energy change into?

When energy changes from one form to another, some of the energy typically transforms into heat. This is due to the inefficiencies in energy conversion processes where not all energy can be fully converted into useful work, leading to heat dissipation.

When energy is converted from one form to another some is lost as what?

When energy is converted from one form to another, some of it is lost as waste heat. This is due to inefficiencies in the conversion process, such as friction, resistance, and other factors that lead to the dissipation of some energy in the form of heat.

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When energy changed form some energy is?

Some energy is changed into the desired form. The rest is changed into undesired form such as heat, light, sound, etc.

When energy changes form some energy?

Some energy is changed into the desired form. The rest is changed into undesired form such as heat, light, sound, etc.

When energy changes from one form to another form what does some of the energy change into?

When energy changes from one form to another, some of the energy typically transforms into heat. This is due to the inefficiencies in energy conversion processes where not all energy can be fully converted into useful work, leading to heat dissipation.

When energy changes from one form to another some of the energy is always change to?

Some of the energy will usually be converted into an unusable form of energy, often as heat.

What is the original shape of the god?

he doesn have a shape, its an entity, a spirit. some kind of energy if i might dare saying it

When energy is used to overcome friction some of the energy is converted into?

Some of the energy used to overcome friction is converted into heat due to the resistance between surfaces. This heat energy is typically considered wasted since it is not used to perform useful work.

Explain why some of the thermal energy is released by a campfire is actually a waste thermal energy?

Some of the thermal energy released by a campfire is considered waste because it is not utilized for heating or cooking and instead radiates into the surrounding environment, making it unavailable for practical use. This lost energy represents inefficiency in the conversion of chemical energy in the wood to useful heat energy.

What form of energy is important to living things and why?

The form of energy that is important is the sun because all living things need some type of radiation to give them vitamins besides the ones we take from a store

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What are some examples energy change?

Some examples of energy change include: A battery converting chemical energy into electrical energy to power a device. The sun converting nuclear energy into electromagnetic radiation (light and heat). Food being converted from chemical energy to kinetic energy as it is digested and used by the body for movement and metabolic processes.

Plants transform some of the electromagnetic energy form the sun into?

During photo, plants form the electric energy they gather from the sun into fart energy.

What are some ways that energy changes form in a car?

It changes electrical energy to thermal energy and light energy