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Q: How do you know that the people of saint Antoine hate the Bastille?
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How do you know that people of Saint Antoine hate the Bastille and everything it stands for?

in 1806 a man new that Justin Bieber was going to be born in the year 1994 and said holy sh*t i have to tell someone ! Then he told the other people from the mob and they all said awh f*ck seriously ? So from then on the people of saint Antoine hated the Bastille because some b*tch there was the hoe and tree started of the bieber generation.

Why did so many people hate Bastille?

The Bastille represented the power the aristocracy held over poorer people. People probably did not hate the Bastille. An important reason it was stormed was that it had many guns and other weapons stored inside, which the peasants used to arm themselves.

Why do so many people hate the Bastille?

bastille was hated because it stood for the despotic power of the king.The king at that time was louis XVI.

Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

What is a victim of hate?

a victim of hate is a person who suffers from people who hate on people for no reason

Why did Antoine hate grant in a lesson before dying?

In "A Lesson Before Dying," Antoine disliked Grant because Grant represented change and hope for the future, something Antoine struggled to envision amidst the racial injustices and constraints of the Deep South. Antoine's resentment towards Grant stemmed from his own internalized powerlessness and despair in the face of systemic racism. Grant's determination to educate and uplift the community highlighted Antoine's own sense of defeat and inadequacy, leading to his animosity towards Grant.

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It seems like Cambodian people hate vietnamese people but vietnamese people don't hate cambodian people

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i hate it when people slurp there drinks

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People who hate JLS are sad and have no lives.

How many people hate

A lot of people hate

How many people hate

Not that many people hate it. But a lot of people do not use it.

Do non-Jewish people hate Jewish people?

what or who people hate is an individual choice.