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I think this might be a simple math problem. The two genes are on the same side if the gene to gene distance is the smallest one among all the distances given, and are on the opposite side if the gene to gene distance is the biggest one. hope this helps. :)

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1d ago

If two genes are close together and have a short distance to the centromere, they are likely to be on the same side of the centromere. Conversely, if two genes are far apart and have a long distance to the centromere, they are likely to be on opposite sides of the centromere. This is because genes located near the centromere are inherited together more frequently due to genetic linkage and co-inheritance during meiosis.

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Q: How do you know that two genes are likely to be on the same or opposite side of the centromere based on the gene to gene and gene to centromere distance?
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