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Q: How do you know what is the limiting factor in photosynthesis?
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Why is water never a limiting factor during photosynthesis?

I think because the plant dies before water can ever become a limiting factor.

Does a wilted plant go through photosynthesis?

In wilted plants the stomata are closed and water becomes a limiting factor hence there will be no photosynthesis.

Suppose you were a farmer trying to grow plants in a greenhouse. why would it be important to know what the limiting factor is?

A limiting factor is important because without it there would be billions and billions of organisms that would never decrease they would just keep on increasing.

How could bright sun light affect photosynthesis in a plant?

the limiting factor for the processes of photosynthesis is the amount of sunlight , carbon dioxide and oxygen-nap

What restricts the number of individuals in a population is a what factor?

Limiting factor

What is the role of hydrilla experiment in the law of limiting factors?

The law of limiting factors is that at a given time, only the factor that is most limiting among all will determine the rate of photosynthesis. The role of the hydrilla experiment in the law is that it shows how photosynthesis works in the form of oxygen bubbles.

What would happen if carbon dioxide in the air increases around a plant?

The rate of photosynthesis will increase, if light is not a limiting factor

What is Anything that restricts the number of individual in a population is a?

A limiting factor is anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population

When would a plant not have enough carbon dioxide?

At the peak time of photosynthesis CO2 becomes a limiting factor usually in C4 plants.

What is the factor that controls the growth of a population?

the fitest survive

What is a chameleons limiting factor?

Food supplies can be one limiting factor.

What type of limiting factor is a waterborne disease such as cholera?

A biologic limiting factor.