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We know that Jesus was a reverent Jew. For this reason, although The Bible doesn't specifically state that James was Jewish, it can safely be assumed that he was since they were brothers, raised in the same Jewish household.

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Q: How do you know what religion James the brother of Jesus is?
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We know that one of his brother's was named James who came to the crucifixion with his mother Mary.

Is James the lesser the brother of Jesus?

The relationship between James and Jesus is the subject of much speculation and tradition. What we do know is that Paul called James the brother of Jesus. However, some scholars believe that, for Paul, 'brother' was an honorary title to indicate James' leadership of the Jerusalem Church. Certainly, there is no suggestion in the epistle that James was an elderly man when Paul met him. The gospels then refer to the brothers of Jesus as James, Joses, Simon and Judas, and that he had sisters. The gospels tell us that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was conceived, and the Catholic Church, in particular, has held that she remained a virgin. In this case, James could not have been the younger brother of Jesus. On this basis, James could have been a half-brother - the son of Joseph by a previous wife. The difficulty with this is that the nativity stories make no mention of Jesus' siblings, who would have needed to travel from Galilee or to Egypt with the family. On the evidence, James would more likely be the younger brother of Jesus.

How do you know James was the brother of Jesus?

It is mentioned in the bible.Infact, there were four James mentioned in the Greek Scriptures:*James, the half brother of Jesus(Matthew 13:55)(Galatians 1:19)(Mark 6:3)*James, the original apostle(the son of Zebedee(Matthew 10:2))and brother of John, who was most likely Jesus' first cousin. He died at the hands of Herod Agrippa(Acts 12:1-3)*James, the son of Alphaeus (Luke 6:15),*James the father of Judas (not Iscariot)(Luke 6:16)(John 14:22)

What religion thinks jesus had a child?

It has to be one sick religion, who do not know their bible well.

Does James Maslow have a sibling?

yes a brother and sister the sister is Anna i dont know brother James's sister is Anna and his brother is Michael.

Where in the bible does it say Jude is the brother of Jesus?

There are several references in the new Testament to Jesus' brothers and sisters. Matthew 13:55 lists four brothers: James, Joseph (Joses), Simon, and Jude (Judas). Some people prefer to call them half brothers of Jesus, since God was Jesus' father. The tradition in Roman Catholic Church, which holds that Mary was a virgin her whole life, is that they were cousins of Jesus. Another possibility is that they were Joseph's children from an earlier marriage.

What was William James the philopher well know for?

His brother, the novelist Henry James.

Who is judes brother in the short book of Jude?

The General Epistle of Jude does not say directly whether the author was the apostle Jude or Jude, the brother of Jesus, but does say in verse 1 that his brother was named James. Verse 1 also says that the author, Jude, the 'slave' of Jesus, when a brother would naturally mention his relationship to Jesus, so this surely rules him out as the brother (or half-brother) of Jesus. Verse 17 speaks of the apostles as if the author was not one of them, so this also rules out Jude as the apostle Jude.Verse 17 also tells us that the apostles had spoken of these things beforehand, verse 18-19 speak of things that were once told about the mockers of Jude's time, while verse 3 tells us that the Christian faith was once (long ago) passed on to the saints, all of which confirm that this epistle was written during the second century, long after the apostles and the brothers of Jesus were dead.The Epistle of Jude was written pseudepigraphically, but the author carelessly failed to make clear which Jude we wanted to represent himself as, and therefore we do not know which James was supposedly his brother.

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If you are studying religion, and the topic is Christianity, then you need to know about Jesus.

Does James Maslow have a brother or a sister?

Yes he sure does!!! a sister and a brother (i know the sister!!)

What is James Wolfe's brother's name?

Yes, he had a younger brother but we don't know much about him.

Why does Jesus mean so much to me?

I don't know... maybe because of your religion or something.