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Budgies are birds, not mammals. They do not have the same kind of reproductive cycle as mammals. Budgies do not menstruate or have periods. It's not like having an un-spayed female dog or cat that goes into heat occasionally.
Wild budgies are what are called opportunistic breeders. They will seek a mate whenever there are enough resources to support offspring. In captivity, a properly cared for budgie will always feel that she has enough resources to have babies. This is why it is important not to house budgies of different sexes together unless you are prepared for the possibility of chicks.
Even without being housed with males, a female budgie will sometimes produce an (unfertilized) egg. Budgies don't have the same genetics or diet as domestic chickens, and excessive egg laying can cause serious health problems including calcium deficiency and egg-binding. You should consult an avian veterinarian for more information about budgie reproduction.

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Budgies which are getting close to laying an egg become more lively, excitable and playful, not listless and quiet. If they have a nesting box, they will spend a lot more time in the box, preparing it for nesting, and possibly being very protective of that area. If there is a male, he may start feeding the female. If no nestbox is available, the female will make do with what she has, perhaps preparing a corner of her cage and spending more time down there.

Budgies ready to lay do not get fat. Any parrot with a swollen abdomen is not a sign of of a bird about to lay an egg. It is either eating too much of a high-fat diet (common among birds with a seed-only diet) or it has a tumour.

Swelling in the abdonimal area could also mean the parrot is egg-bound, though this tends to present more as swelling near the bird's tail, near the cloacae. She will be distressed and show signs of constipation, be reluctant to move and "waddle" like a penguin. If your bird shows signs of being egg-bound, she must be taken to the vet as soon as possible, as this can be a life-threatening condition.

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How many eggs can a budgie lay?

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After mating, a budgie will lay an egg within 14 days. This can depend on what kind of bird the budgie mated with.

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One For everday Of the week i believe, how nice :D

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Buy a nest box a male and a female make sure that they are adults or they won't lay any eggs.

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She's probably about to lay an egg, or is attempting to nest.

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Why did your budgie kill your other budgie?

if you have a budgie for quite awhile and then get another budgie your original budgie will get territorial and attack the newer bird. If this is the case you need to get to cages and slowly show the new budgie to the older budgie. keep doing it again and again until eventually you should be able to keep the two birds in one cage.

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budgies and parakeets dont mate they do not need a male to lay an egg so the answer is no season

Your budgie laid one egg can it have more?

Budgies typically lay between two and four eggs in a clutch at a time.

How do you know if your budgie is eating?

Check the bottom of his cage for stools.

Is it possible for a female parakeet to lay a pink egg without mating?

It is not a pink egg it is something the budgie no longer needs in its body.