

How do you know when a fairy is with you?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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fairies are invisible but if find un expected glitter or when a baby starts laughing mysteriosly then you know a fairy is near you.

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Q: How do you know when a fairy is with you?
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How do you tell if you are a fairy?

You'd know if you were a fairy, simple as.

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The tooth fairy is your parents

Who is Gary fairy?

I don't know for shore but i think he or she is a trainer fairy or a fairy that gives the other fairies the equipment that they need. Or the Gary fairy is the fairy that shows the fairy Godmother who they got and the fairy Godmother gives them shifts.

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Ok I know 2 fairys India the moonstone fairy and Scarlett the garnet fairy

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You don't have to worry about it. There is no fairy in your home and there never will be. Fairies are not real.

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check if you have wings or not

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You are not a fairy. Fairies don't exist.

How does the tooth fairy know that your tooth fell out?

I think the tooth fairy is not real and its just your parents but if it is real then it might be a god or something and gods know everything.

Can people can be tooth fairy?

No. You need to be born with the gift god will choose you. How do i know? I have asked my tooth fairy.

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I don't know where you got this from, but a person can't turn into a fairy. It's all make-belive to amaze children. It's all pretend stuff for the imagination.

How can your sister write the tooth fairy?

just address the letter to "the tooth fairy", the post office will know her address!

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i don't know maybe because they're fairy tales and they ain't real