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Q: How do you know when a girl is ready for sex in Hindi?
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How do you know that girl is ready for sex?

try asking her, or moving a little farther and if she stops you then shes not ready.

How know that girl is ready for sex?

Ask her nicely. :P It's just that simple.

Iv'e seen all these questions 'when should I be ready to have sex' and 'How do I know when I'm ready or not' but my question is - is it okay to be ready for sex at 14?

yeah, i was asking too..till my friend had sex with a girl..( i am a boy ) and i am 14 and my friend is 14..did u try sexing?

What is called sex in Hindi?

sex in hindi is called sambhog. People call it sex nowasdays.

How do you ask girl for sex?

Hopefully you know the girl well enough that this question won't be totally out of the blue. The best way is to work up to it slowly and be polite. And if she says no or isn't ready, listen!

What can sucking a penis lead to?

Sex, if your not ready to have sex then donut lead him on like that and let him know your not ready to go all the way yet.

Can you get cancer by having unprotected sex?

i don't know if you are a boy and had sex with a girl you probley will but if your a girl and had sex with a girl you wont get it but if you boy and had sex with a boy you won't

Why you wish to be a girl n enjoy sex?

Well I'm a girl. And you can't. If they aren't ready to be then just accept it.

When do you know you are ready fo sex?

you'll know, if you're not sure if your ready then you're not. It's better to wait than to regret it.

You know a girl likes you and wants sex how do you go about this?

If you really like her and feel ready then go for it. If not then dont assuming your going out you should be able to talk to her about it if your really worried

How do you convincegirl for a sex?

you cant convince a girl for sex. when she is ready she will tell you and it will just happen. you cant make her do anything she doesnt want to.

How do you know if your girlfriend is ready?

Ready for what exactly? If you mean ready for sex then you ask her, in fact with anything if you're wondering if she is ready then you ask her. Strangers online can't tell you if she's ready and you can't know without asking.