

How do you know when a guinea pig is old any signs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Guinea pigs are considered seniors at age 4, sometimes their fur will gray and they become less active.

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Q: How do you know when a guinea pig is old any signs?
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How old are guinea pigs?

guinea pigs can live up to 8 years old i should know i have had like 8 guinea pigs!

How do you know how old your guinea pig is?

Find out when they were born

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I really dont know. But i have a guinea pig and i bathed him but not 4 long because i did not know how it would turn out

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All guinea pigs can bite, at any age. If you socalize your guinea pig and treat him well, chances are he will choose not to bite.

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Your guinea pig has lost its squeak?

there is nothing you can do. This happened to my old guinea pig (may she rest in peace), athough we don't actually know if she could ever squeek.

Will a young guinea pig and an old guinea pig get alone?

yes. I had a 2 year old guinea pig and a 6 month old and the were great together.

How do you bath a baby 7 week old guinea pig?

I would not recommend giving a guinea pig any younger than 3 months a bath.

How do you know if a guinea pig is three months old?

you have to look at there teeth have they got 4 front teeth

How do I know when I am going into puberty I am 11 years old and I have not had any changes yet so signs can I be looking for?

11 years is the starting age. You mad not yet show signs. If you are a boy there will be increase in the size of testis. If girl, you will start menstruating.

How do you know how old your guinea pigs are?

Well, you can't for sure know how old your guinea pig is, but you could get a close estimate. Guinea pigs' bodies grow very quickly, so the best way to guess their age is by looking at their nails. If the tip of the nail is just barely beyond the quick, then I would say it is about 2 and a half months going on 3.