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Well, typically the male will put on a nice suit and take his partner to a candle-lit dinner with a mariachi band playing in the background. After a delicious three course meal, some dancing, and a little wine, the two will journey back home, where the bed awaits.

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Q: How do you know when craw fish are ready to mate?
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When she's over 4 months old, she'll be able to mate.

Should you remove the betta fish bubbles?

No it means they are ready to mate and might even have eggs in it if there is a female in the same tank.

Do fish mate?

yes all fish mate

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Yes, and they do it in the usual manner. In case you don't know how fish mate, the female lays eggs and then the male swims over and fertilizes them.

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He is probably trying to mount her and she is not ready to mate. The female will only mate at a certain time of her heat, when she is ready she will flag him and flirt with him to let him know she is ready and willing during this time will be the only time she will allow him to completely mount and she will stand for him.

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The doe is always ready to take the buck. Hense why they breed so much

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Bottle-Nosed Dolphins are ready to mate when they are about 15 years old. That does seem a little odd to a human but that is the time of life when the dolphin is ready to mate.

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Males are always ready to mate but the female is the one you should pay attention for the period she can mate. Females will fight a male dog if they are not ready to mate.

When is a fish ready to mate?

there are many different types of fish. and they all mate differently. most fish mate in the spring. but for this to happen all conditions that the fish need must be met. also in order fot the baby fish to live you need to do certain things, these are different for each kind of fish Answer==In India fish mate in the rainy season ==== If you are talking about fish in an aquarium, whether tropical or salt water fish, not all kinds of fish that you buy will mate in a tank. Some do, guppies and mollies are good fish to mate. Please be advised that you must be able to separate the pregnant fish before she gives birth. I use a guppy tank or a breeder tank. After she gives birth watch because most fish will eat their young and the mother will have to be separated from the young. Tropical fish are either live bearers like a guppy or a black molly or lay eggs like tetras and barbs. It is more difficult to find salt water fish that mate in a home tank.

How do you make fishes mate in aquarium?

One time I had two goldfish and they had 38 "fishlings" (As my sister calls it...). I have a silverside that has eggs. A silverside isn't sold in pet stores. :( ==== Not all tropical fish mate in an aquarium. Why,I do not know. Sometropical fish that will mate in a tank are guppies and mollies which are live bearers. Tetras and barbs are egglaying fish.

What does happen when animals ready to mate?

they eventually mate together

How do you mate a reed-fish?

u put a lot of fish in the tank and then they mate