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When it becomes too complicated and no way to solve the issues and you are totally frustrated and water is going above your head so its the right time to move on.

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Q: How do you know when it is time to let your place go and move on?
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Move on it is hard to let go some time but you have to learn that he or she did it for a reson and don't let them come bake they never know what thay have entel its gone

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if you think its time it is .tell them then at least you'll find out what they say and you can move on per how they feel for good or bad----nike---just do it

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i have been looking for it as well if you have found a place to buy it could you let me know @

What is it to move from one place to another?

A ship can't sail until it loosens the ties that hold it to the wharf. So to in relationships you can't move on until you let go, face forward and move on. If you look back you'll get off course. Stay focused on moving to another place or space in time.

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Pull the person to the side and let them know how you are feeling.

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