

How do you know when someone is over their ex?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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they scream at them i hate you.

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Q: How do you know when someone is over their ex?
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if you know that then why dont you get someone else that really likes you that would never cheat on you

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'Ex' means the relationship is over and you should be moving forward into your future so no, don't give your ex your new address. If you feel you need too then you are not over the relationship and you should not be seeing someone else until you know that the first relationship is over.

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since that's your ex, maybe talking to someone new can help you get over him.

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i would sabatage the ex to win him over.

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I know from experience that it is extremely hard to get over an ex, but I had to move on to someone else and completely forget about my ex until I was completely over him. Try and just be friends with him. Don't try and push him into getting back with you, or else you will fall in love with him again.

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I am sorry to say, but "ex" means it's over. You haven't accepted this and moved on and your ex has and is engaged to be married. Be happy for your ex and start getting out with friends, socializing and before you know it you'll meet someone else and fall in love.

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get over it already

How do you know if you have got over your ex?

you know that your over him/her if you realy dont think about them a lot.

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you know there over you if they flirt or date other guys

Is someone a true friend when they are dating for ex boyfriend?

First, do they know that he is your ex- boyfriend? If they do then that doesn't mean they are not a true friend. You dumped him (or he dumped you) right? Then she(your friend) can date him if she wants to. You and your ex are over, so why does it matter who comes and dates him next?

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Ask them.

How do you let your ex know you're over them?

You don't have to - if your over them you are why do you feel you have to tell them that - they are your ex and you don't really owe them anything at this point leave him alone and move forward with your life. If you want your ex to know your over him there is lots of things to do... Ignore him completly go out with someone else and flaunt it go out with one of there friends (that will prolly make him jealous more) just tell them make out with someone infont of them or just be like " i dont want anything to do with you" and be a complete @sshole/b*tch to them