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They go sort of visable inside and sometimes will become alot lighter in colour, usually take around 4-6 months from day of eggs being laid to hatch if kept in the right conditions and are cared for daily.

Experience : Kept stick insects and eggs all my life.

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Q: How do you know when your Indian stick insect eggs are ready to hatch?
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What are some species of stick insects?

My stick insect is an Indian Stick insect

Why do stick insect eggs hatch at night?

some stick insects actually hatch when it is quite warm they will hatch in soil if the weather in your house is cold they won't hatch.

What is a type of stick insect that is 12 inches?

The answer is: A fully grown Indian stick insect!

Can a Indian stick insect live with a leaf stick insect?

no they are diffrent species alltogether

How long after the insect lays her eggs does it take to hatch?

This mostly depends on the species. For instance, Indian Stick Insect eggs take around six months to hatch, whereas Giant Prickly (Extatosoma tiaratum) eggs can take up to a year.

What do you do with stick insect eggs?

Leave them alone. They will hatch out by themselves.

Indian stick insects eat each other?

Indian Stick Insects, like all stick insect species are herbivores. An Indian Stick Insect will not attack or eat another stick insect. The closest they get is eating old skins from a moulting to take in all the nutrients.

How long does it take for a stick insect's eggs to hatch?

4-6 months

How long does a stick insects eggs take to develop?

Most stick insect eggs take around six to nine months to hatch, possibly a little earlier if kept in warm room.

A breed of stick insects?

Carausius morosus - or Indian stick insect are the most common species.

How do we know that our stick insect is a girl or a boy?

This greatly depends on what stick insect you have. If it is an Indian Stick Insect it is most likely female, as the males are incredibly rare and the females produce eggs without the assistance of a male.

How does one hatch spiny stick insect eggs?

about 3-4 months i know because my stick insects eggs have just hatched