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If you do not want to breed with your female poodle, separate her from other male dogs and do not let her get into contact with any male dogs as she will display herself.

If you do not want a litter, you should consider having your female spayed.

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13y ago

If you love her, isolate her during her heat to keep her from getting pregnant, and then have her spayed. Thousands of unwanted puppies and dogs, even purebreds, including toy poodles, are destroyed every year at animal shelters/pounds.

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You can but shouldn't, it's best to wait for at least there second heat. oops her second heat.

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i dont know you telll me

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It's normal. This is what heat looks like in a dog and this is normal behavior. If you have issues about the mess, many pet stores sell doggie pads.

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350 degrees 5 to 10 min. then broil on HI 1 to 2 min.