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You must see your doctor. There shouldn't be bleeding.

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Q: How do you know you are pregnant when bleeding after 5 days late?
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Could you be pregnant if you were 2 days late then spotted light pink with cramping Is it implantation bleeding or not?

if that's the only bleeding you have than more than likily that was i.b.

How can i be 14 weeks pregnant when I'm only 7 days late?

You aren't if you were 7 days late you would be around 5 weeks pregnant. The way an estimated due date works is you start from the first day of your last period. Unless you are 14 weeks pregnant and got your dates confused or had bleeding that you thought was a period but was something like implantation bleeding.

Can you still be pregnant if your period is 5 days late but very light?

Yes You can be pregnant, If your 5 days late and bleeding light it can be implantation bleeding, wait a day or so and if it doesn't come down heavy or it just stops there's a big chance you are. Go to the store and get a pregnancy test! Good luck and lots of baby dust!

What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

Are you pregnant if your period was late for four days?

No - if you menstruated then you cannot be pregnant. Women can however experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, if really concerned take a pregnancy test.

What does it mean when you are two weeks late and have no spotting but had a white milky pink discharge only once?

it could be implantation bleeding, this usually shows up 6-11 days after ovulation, and or conception. Raye answer it could be Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy doesn't always mean your pregnant though. I think you maybe pregnant more days your late the more chance your pregnant go take a pregnancy test kate

Are you pregnant if you have brown spotting and your period is 12 days late?

You very well might be. The brown spotting is most likely to be implantation bleeding which is very common.

Can you be five days late for your period and have implant bleeding?

If your five days late you must be pregnant by now..i would take a test..some woman dont even know they had implantation cause they had no happens a week before your period that weeks is gone by.time to take the test.. good luck

My period was late for 7 days got it on the next day i get bad blood clotts an i think im pregnant i would be 6 7 weeks could this mean anything can I still be pregnant or no I'm bleeding?

no you're not pregnant.

I am two days late on my period can i be pregnant?

If you have had unprotected sex, and now you are two days late , then you could very well be pregnant.

Is it normal to have implantation bleeding with a few pregnancy symptoms and then no symptoms at all but your period is 4 days late?

Hello. Because the bleeding was light there is a small chance you may be pregnant. See your doctor for a blood test.

Your period was five days late then you bled for one day and then lighter bleeding for one day could and then nothing could you still be pregnant?

no cause you never had sex