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Well first off you should see a doctor to be certain it is a panic attack that you are having. He or she will be able to provide proper treatment.

There are certain common symptoms associated with panic attacks. They can include

racing heartbeat


tingling in the fingers and toes


difficulty breathing

feeling like you are going to die


Even though the symptoms may seem severe panic attacks are not fatal. However they can make it very difficult for sufferers to live a normal life. So check with a physician first. i know when i have a panick attack (which is like once a day.) it feels like i just want to lay on the floor, grab a table, and scream. i cant even look down without getting dizzy and its so scary. idk why but it always happens to me at lunch in the cafeteria.

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panic attacks vary between different people. i'm not able to pinpoint every single little symptom, but from personal experience i can say that the most common things that happen during a panic attack are:

- sweaty or clammy hands

- hot or cold flashes

- uncontrollable shaking

- uncontrollable tears

- shaky voice

- quickened heartbeat

(i've had a few awful situations where this symptom got so bad i felt like i could hear it beating)

but, as i've said, panic attacks vary depending on the person. they aren't always the hyperventilating and rocking back and forth. they can take different forms, such as:

- unpredictable bouts of rage or irritability

(some people refer to attacks triggered by rage, irritability, or frustration as "anger attacks")

- nit-pickiness (obsessive behavior, which may be part of OCD) or even a hypersensitivity to disarray, chaos, or any sort of change

- fast talking, stuttering, stumbling over words

- not talking at all

- sitting rigid, staring into space, almost seeming "zoned out"
A panic attack is a situation where there is an unusual or irrational fear about something. The common symptoms are:

Inability to concentrate

Becoming irritable

Lack of patience with other people

Worrying constantly

State of feeling on edge

Easily fatigued

Lack of sleep or disturbed nights

A feeling of preoccupation with some issue

A feeling of being fearful.

The above are the subjective symptoms of anxiety,The objective symptoms are:

Chest discomfort


Shallow breathing

Reduced appetite

Increased frequency of urination



Racing heart

Dry mouth


Feelings of ants crawling on the body

Butterflies in the stomach


Pins and needles sensation in the hands and/or mouth.

For more info,please visit

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Q: How do you know if you're having a panic attack?
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How do you get help for someone with mental health issues?

You should understand what anxiety and panic attacks are in order to be able to assist panic attack sufferer or simply to know how to help panic attacks.When someone is having a panic attack, your first step is to talk to them. If you can, try to determine the cause of the attack and find out if the person had previously suffered from panic attacks. Try to inquire about the cause of panic attack and ask them if they use some medication or panic attack relief techniques. If they do, help them to use these panic attacks help techniques now.If possible, take the panic attack sufferer to a silent place away from distress. One trick in how to help panic attacks is to talk to the victim to take their mind of the panic attack as soon as possible.

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It depends on the situation you are going through. For me, if I know that something that makes me panic is going to happen later on that day, then yes i feel nervous the whole day long and usually don't have a panic attack later. So if you know that something is going to happen, then yes. If not, its still normal for us to feel nervous every now and then.

Where can I find information on symptoms of a panic attack?

You can find information on symptoms of a panic attack on reputable medical websites such as WebMD, Mayo Clinic, or the National Institute of Mental Health. These sources provide detailed descriptions of the physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that may occur during a panic attack.

How can you relax and stay calm from having panic attacks because you have heart problems and whenever you start to think about it you start panicking?

I have panic attacks too. I am still trying to get them under control. When I feel myself getting ready to have one, I have to tell myself that there is no reason to panic and sometimes I think about god and try to pray and sometimes that helps. I am currently on Lexapro for it and the medication works. I am also going to try and see a therapist. Try telling yourself that the panic attack is just a feeling that will not last forever. Your mind is your worst enemy. I know in my case it is. I can also think about a panic attack and throw myself into one, but then I have to remember that I did it to myself and everything is going to be ok. Have you talked to your Dr. about it? I hope you seek help with this. I would rather be in labor than have a panic attack. I know it will be hard but try not to think about the fact you have health problems. I should take my own advice sometimes because I worry about everything. I hope this helped you. Ler me know if it did. Also realize that anxiety and panic are emotional responses to things that scare us or threaten us in some way. I've found that switching to logical thinking will quickly put panic in its place. If you are worried about your heart condition, this is understandable. Who wouldn't be? You certainly will benefit from talking to your doctor to educate yourself on your limitations to prevent you from having a heart attack. Once you start looking at solutions instead of the anxiety or panic, the more quickly they will stop.

How do you know when a panic attack is about start?

Generally there is no warning and a panic attack may come on suddenly which is why it creates so much general anxiety, even before the next panic attack starts because one may worry that they may get one. It can often prevent some people from doing things they normally would out of fear of getting a panic attack.

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What is the difference between having a panic attack and high blood pressure?

A panic attack is temporary - and you definitely know you are having one. It is the body responding to a mental state. The heart races and pounds, you hyperventilate (breathe hard) and there is a great feeling of anxiety. The blood pressure may go up but it returns to normal as soon as the attack is over. A panic attack while feeling scary does not normally have any dangerous complications and one does not need to be on lifelong treatment. High blood pressure usually has no obvious symptoms. It is chronic, that is it is a long-term (life-long) disorder. Because of that it has serious potential complications and one needs to be on lifelong treatment though it is possible to avoid medication if one makes appropriate lifestyle changes.

What causes a panic attack at the age of 13 years old?

Hello, I must say, Panic attacks can happen at any age... I have been getting them since I was 5... Exposure to disturbing behavior, yelling, abusive surroundings ect, can contribute to early Panic disorder..It is also to do with genetics as well, so dont forget about that... I am not saying something DID happen to the 13 yr old or (you)... But Panic attacks can be a product of Post traumatic stress... An event that changed the mental state of the person... Food additives can also be a trigger for a panic attack- even nicotine, drinking, and street drugs like cocaine... It is hard to answer your question without knowing your health history ect... Just know a panic attack cannot hurt you, it is a normal response to all of the things going on in and around you..."fight or flight response"... I know the sheer terror of the feelings that come with a panic attack, it is so sad, I know for such a young person coping with panic... Being only 13, I think something is bothering that individual and some good cognitive behavior therapy would help...Make an appt with someone...

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What About Panic Attack Treatment?

I suffer from panic attacks to the point where I have had to have an ambulance called to assist me. My answer to this question is not an exact treatment but helpful when having one, TRY and relax, breath slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, this slow breathing WILL slow your heart rate down allowing you to start relaxing. This I know can be difficult when you feel that you cannot breath and you are panicking for air but trust me it does work. I also understand how scary it is, especially when it happens and you are on your own but trust in your own ability to control the attack. When you have done it once you start to build up the confidence that you are in control and like me, will have less panic attacks.

Do you panic before you die?

It probably depends on the way you're dying. If you were drowning, having a heart-attack or burning to death I guess you'd panic but if you died on your deathbed of an illness or old-age you'd probably go peacefully like a lot of people do.