

How do you learn speak french?

Updated: 10/6/2022
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10y ago

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You can learn to speak French in college or in a French school. Also in France.
from a teacher
speak = parler

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Breanne Mohr

Lvl 13
1y ago
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15y ago

You can take a class on speaking the french. But if you want an easier way to do it you could go out and get that book French for dummy's And you can just teach your self. It isn't that hard of a language to learn.

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Z4re _ORA

Lvl 5
3y ago


you can take this class it was amazing for me.

/www. digistore 24 .com/redir/88793/Alhajri/

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How do you learn to speak French?

You can learn to speak French by taking a course either online or in person, practicing speaking with native speakers, listening to French music or watching French movies, and practicing consistently to improve your skills. Immersing yourself in the language through travel or living in a French-speaking country can also be helpful.

Why do people learn to speak French?

its better than english!

Why do the prime ministers has to learn french?

I wish the people who speak in English would learn English!

How do I speaking?

You learn the language, or you can go to school and take a class where they learn how to speak french for beginners.