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Tell them that you both need to move on romantically but you would like to stay friends.

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Q: How do you let go of someone who doesn't love you but still doesn't want to let you go?
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Is it right to love someone even if you still love your ex?

well if he doesnt love you anymore you are suppose to at lease try and move on.* more likey he doesnt want you no more.

If your boyfriend doesnt take you to his home does he love you?

no because when you love someone you want to share your world,not sharing it means you have secerts

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Yes, you can still love them, and naturally when in love with someone, you want them to yourself; however, you have to realize that can't be so. Unless the feelings become mutual amongst you both, you will have to deal with unrequited love and not being able to have them.

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if he doesnt love you any more then he probably wont want much to do with you like he probably used to if he did love you.

What do you do if you like a guy whose dating your best friend and you know he loves your best friend but she doesnt love him back and I do but they're still dating?

Why would you want to date someone that is in love with someone else. Have a little bit of self respect, be positive about yourself and find someone who cares about you, you will.

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Because she doesn't actually love you. She lied.

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he does want to be with u ..this happens to me and my ex nick all the time night just text him and tell him you still love him and see if his feelings are true if he doesnt reply the he still likes you if he says i do to then he still likes u if he says i dont love u then he doesnt want to get back -pretty in punk

Why does she date a guy she doesnt love?

maybe she doesnt feel love and doesnt want to break the guys heart

How do you maintain a relationship with someone you love but still love someone else as well Even if you want to stay with the current person?

you dont

Is it possible to love someone but not be sure you want to be with them for the rest of your life?

It is possible to love someone but not want to be with them forever. Just because you have strong feelings for someone doesnt mean you will be with them forever. Sometimes it just takes time to find the right one. But when you find them, you will know.

What do you do when the one you love tells you he still in-love with you but don't want to be with you?

It depends on the situation. But If I was in love with someone and I have been before, you want them to be with you and you want them all to how much does he really love you?