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---- you squeeze about 3-4 lemons big in a bowl and dump it all over damp hair, blow dry hair until dry and BAM! your hair will be about 2 shades lighter

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9y ago

One way to lighten up your hair is steeping a bag of tea in boiling water and then applying to the hair once it has cool. Leave it in for about 15 minutes and then rinse.

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Q: How do you lighten your hair naturally without sunlight?
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What will lighten hair in the sun without causing damage?

Lemon juice works pretty well, but if you already have medium to light blonde hair, just exposure to sunlight will lighten it naturally.

How does sunlight lighten hair color?

Sunlight has a 'bleaching' effect on light coloured hair.

Can you lighten your hair using bottled lemon juice?

yes you can lighten your hair from bottled lemon juice, but it only works with naturally blond hair to start with and it stings you eyes LOTS lol, also the longer you keep the lemon juice in and if possible stay out in the natural sunlight the lighter your hair will become. xx

How do you highlight hair naturally?

Sunlight is the only way to highlight your hair naturally. Otherwise, you can use lemon juice on BLONDE HAIR ONLY to lighten it a bit more in the sun. Be warned, though, this can create reddish or orange tones if the natural haircolor is too dark to begin with.

Can you dye hair blonde without damaging it as much as bleaching would?

It is always necessary to use a bleaching agent (and not a dye) to lighten the colour of hair. This mat be bleach, peroxide or sunlight.

How do you lighten your hair without sunlight?

---- you squeeze about 3-4 lemons big in a bowl and dump it all over damp hair, blow dry hair until dry and BAM! your hair will be about 2 shades lighter

What is the best way to dye your hair blonde naturally?

You can dye your hair blonde naturally by applying lemon juice to your hair and sitting in the sun. The acidic lemon juice will react with the heat and light from the sun to naturally lighten your hair.

Can you go blonde without bleach?

NO! You can just use sun-it or similar products. Also apparently lime or lemon juice mixed with lots of sunlight can help lighten the color of your hair.

How can you lighten your hair naturally?

I have always been told by squeezing a lemon over your head and going out in the sun :D It doesn't always work, but watch your hair as you will need to make sure it doesn't react to the lemon juice and also depending on the lemon juice trails in your hair you may get a highlighted affect in streaks.

Dose powder bleach lighten hair without cream peroxide?


How do you lighten your hair without dye?

yes put lemon juice on your hair and go out in the sun :)

Can hair that is not blonde have natural blonde highlights?

yes deifinitely. the sun can lighten your hair especially if it is dirty fair or a light brown colour naturally.