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Find map of dora and look for brachial bone .

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Q: How do you locate brachial bones of the body?
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Where to locate brachial bone?

Type your answer here... how to locate the brachial bones

Which part of the body does the term brachial refer?

Brachial (as in brachial artery) refers to the upper limbs, the arms.

What are the general features on bones?

General features of bones are called bony prominences and are used to locate muscles in the body.

Hoe to locate femoral bones?

To locate the femoral bones, also known as the thigh bones, start by identifying the hip joint on either side of your body. From there, move your hand down towards your thigh, following the curve of your body. You will feel a large, long bone that runs from the hip joint to the knee joint - these are the femoral bones.

What is the function of the upper limb?

The study of the dissected structures present in the upper limb

What body region is the upper arm part of?

the Brachial Region.

Which pulse site on the human body is located under the arm?


What are the bones in the body?

Bones in the body

Where is the brachial pulse on the body?

The brachial pulse is found on the medial aspect of the antecubital fossa. To put it simply in the inner aspect of the front of the elbow.

How are the bones in the body nourished?

how are the bones in the body nourished

What artery is generally auscultated to determine blood pressure in the arm?

Brachial Artery

What is the major artery of the left arm?

This comes from my A&P lab manual... "In the armpit, the subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery, which serves the upper limb." The previous answer was "brachial," which could also be a correct answer. "The brachial artery divides into the radial and ulnar arteries, which follow the same-named bones to supply the forearm and hand."