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The easiest way is to just wait a couple of days the chlorine levels will drop on their own. Also, if you use a pool cover, leave it off. This allows free Chlorine to evaporate from the surface. === ===

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Q: How do you lower chlorine level in a hot tub?
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Will hydrogen peroxide lower chlorine level in hot tub?

Hydrogen peroxide react with chlorine.The reaction is the following:H2O2 + Cl2 = 2 HCl + O2

Used to kill bacterial in pools and hot tub?


Is it safe to go in a hot tub with too much chlorine?

Although chlorine is a poisonous gas which can kill people, and chlorine was used for that purpose in WW I, it is virtually impossible that your hot tub will contain so much chlorine as to endanger your health. It's safe.

Any hot tubs that can be used without chlorine?

Any hot tub can be sanitized with cholrine-free treatments. Hot Tub Silver is one such product.

Is hot tub folliculitis contagious?

Yes it is, if an infected person goes into a spa, or hot tub that does not have a proper amount of chlorine, or filtration system, then yes it is contagious.

What are some hot tub chemicals?

Chemicals used in hot tubs include Bromine or chlorine. Chlorine comes in granulated forms or a liquid. Another chemical used in hot tubs is sodium bromide.

How much chlorine should be in the bath water?

you don't put chlorine in the bath tub you put it in pool,and hot tubs, public water ect.

What chemicals do you put in your hot tub?

you can use chlorine, bromine or Aquagarde visit to find out more

If the chlorine level to high in hot tub is it unsafe to be in?

yes your skin could burn you should make sure that you put as much as directed no less or not clean and not too much or too dangerous

what is the up-keep for a hot tub?

Test chlorine levels to see if they fall between 3-5 mg/l (ppm) and dose according to the attached instructions on the Hot Tub Chorine container.Test Hot tub PH levels to see if they fall between 7.2 and 7.6. If not within these parameters use Hot Tub pH Plus or Minis according to instructions.If water is foaming use Hot Tub Anti Foam

Are hot tub chemicals safe on the human body?

Hot tub chemicals are for the most part perfectly safe for the human body. The main chemical used is a chlorine product. It is safer the be exposed to chlorinated water in a hot tub, than it is to dirty hot tub water that has not been properly cleaned. The heat from a hot tub can make nasty organisms grow very quickly. There are also natural hot tubs, please see the following link for more information

What causes scum in a hot tub?

using a bar soap can cause scum in a tub The most common cause of scum in a hot tub is body oils. the natural oils that occur on the human body can gather over time on the edges of the hottub at the water level. That is why hot tub companies tell you that you should shower each time before you get into a hot tub.