

How do you make a baby fat?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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10y ago

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#1. To fatten-up the baby in a healthy manner (such as if the baby was small at birth), use a combination of techniques: a. breast feed "nurse" often (feed every two hours), and offer repeatedly until baby latches. b. when baby old enough for mashed food, feed jarred or mashed food several couple of hours throughout the day; plus, use "airplane" and other such games to make the baby laugh so that more spoonfuls can be stuffed into the baby's mouth.

The above definely works because I myself was a premie born 7-1/2 months, born 5lb4oz; not "nursed", and by the age of eight months after birth, I was so fat that when my mother took me to the ped. for a check-up, she was immediately instructed to reduce my food intake or I would be required to be put onto a strict "diet" LOL. I was a scrawny child from age 5 years onward! But plump from birth until 4 years! LOL

#2. To prevent infant and toddler obesity: Don't formula-feed baby. And, don't give baby an entire bottle of formula every time you lay baby down to sleep. These are excessive calories.

Look at yourself!! If you're shoving chips, pop, fries, burgers and processed foods into your own mouth every fifteen minutes throughout the day, you are making your baby fat by encouraging caloric-rich intake of unnecessary foods, and literally forcefully fattening up the baby by presenting the same "food rewards" to your child as you present to yourself.

Either take self-control over your food intake, and that of your baby, OR, to prevent baby obesity, begin to view the baby as apart from (different from) yourself: teach yourself, I can eat Doritos, but baby is forbidden from eating Doritos; I can drink pop, but baby must have breast milk or mashed fruit. Continue to treat the baby as though baby has "an alien" digestive system, which requires careful and selective food choices. By using this sort of imaginative story, you'll avoid feeding baby whatever you eat. Thereby, you will build a nutritious and adequate caloric foundation for your baby, even if you cannot reform your own eating preferences.

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