

How do you make a balloon powered paper boat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How do you make a balloon powered paper boat?
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first take paper and make your glider attach a balloon

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you can write about Newton's third laaw of motion

What would make your balloon powered car go the fastest?

red balloon

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destroy it

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Can you make a balloon?

folding it up to paper ballon

What gift can you make with a balloon?

You could use the balloon as a mold for something by making paper mache and using the shape of the balloon for that item. Let's say you want to make a bowl. I would blow up the balloon, shred paper, and mix the paper with wheat paste. I would then put the paper mache on half of the balloon and let it dry. After it is dry I would pop the balloon and what I have left is a bowl shape. Then, I would paint the bowl and decorate it. Now you have a bowl.

How do you make a Trojan horse out of paper mache?

To make a Paper Mache Dragon, you need a balloon, a whole lot of toilette paper tubes, and tape. Blow the balloon up to make the body and then tape the toilette paper tubes to the balloon to make the 4 legs tail and neck. Once every thing is taped caver the dragon with paper mache. To make paper mache: One part flour, two parts water.

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U can get a balloon and make a paper mâché. And stick it with a wet glue

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you set paper on fire and then spit on it

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fowlled it into a sail boat.