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It has more volosity in the sir than what it's holding.

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Q: How do you make a concentrated a solution from a dilute sample?
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How could you make concentrated solution weaker?

A concentrated solution can be weakened by adding more of the solution material (usually water) to dilute it.

How do you make 6 N ammonium hydroxide?

Dilute 400ml of concentrated solution (14.8 M, 28% NH3) to 1 litre.

How do you dilute a concentrated solution?

It really depends on what type of solution you are dealing with. However by definition any solution that is less pure or takes up a smaller perecentage of the whole is diluted. Anything that will make the total amount of solution you currently have become a smaller percentage of the whole. Ex: When you begin with solution A and have 100 mL it is 100%. If you mix in 100mL of solution B the total solution is now 200mL and it is 50% solution A and solution B. It is now diluted.

Is is true or false thae you can make concentrated solution more dilute by adding solvent?

The statement is true. Solvent is what you dissolve a solute in. In chemistry, your solvent is usually going to be water. So, if you have a concentrated solution and you pour some more water into it, you're diluting the solution.

Does water make an acid or base become less dilute?

more dilute not less dilute. "Less Dilute" means more concentrated.

How do you make a dilute solution?

Add water to the solution

How would you make a solution of hydrochloric acid more dilute?

By pouring your solution into a vessel containing the water you wish to dilute it with.

What is does concentrated mixture mean?

Dilute means to make it less strong. i.e. You can dilute syrup to with water to thin it and make it less strong or sweet.

How do you make 15 percent hcl?

Dilute a more concentrated solution. Outside of industry there is no other feasible way of doing it, and even there that would be the normal way to do it.

Increasing the amount of solute in a solution can make a?

concentrated solution

What does dilute mean in science?

To make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water

Why is the term dilute not a precise way to describe concentration?

Concentrated solutions have high amounts of the solute (i.e 8 molar HCl in water) as opposed to a dilute version may have very little of the solute and be mainly water (i.e. 0.1 Molar HCl in water).