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Indirect description means showing what the character is like instead of just telling. Here are some examples.

Direct: He was a jolly fat man.

Indirect: His big belly shook like a bowl full of jelly when he laughed, which was often.

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11y ago

Traits are just anything about the character! Sometimes the story states it straight out, such as saying what they look like. Sometimes you can figure out that they have a certain personality or certain emotions by the way they talk and act.

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10y ago

Here's a link to help you learn how to describe people. Character traits are just the things about a person, like their feelings and thoughts and behaviors.

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Q: How do you make an indirect description of a character?
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That is known as indirect characterization. It involves revealing a character's personality, traits, or motivations through their actions, thoughts, dialogue, and interactions with others, allowing readers to make their own interpretations.

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Indirect characterization is when the author conveys something about a character through how they act or speak rather than saying it in the narration. So an example of indirect characterization is anything that shows who a person rather than something like, "She was a very angry person."

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