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Q: How do you make a easy experimental investigatory project?
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What are the most easy problem in an investigatory project?

just think an easy problem in your house,just make sure you can answer it.

How do you make an analysis of the project in an investigatory project?

i want project. and that is why i want to have an investigatory project about electricity from fruits. i want comlplete data and analysis about this. thanks.

How can make a project investigatory out of banana?

Eat it

Is it an investigatory project to make a mini personal electric fan?

it's not an investigatory project 'cause you're not investigating, you're making a freakin' object! >.<

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How do you make an investigatory project statement of the problem?

Ask god....

What kind of investigatory project can a grade 6 pupil do?

Grade 6 can make science investigatory project Like: Horsetail can make us beautiful. Electromagnet. Guava can make into soap. Ashitaba leaves.

How can I make a title of my science investigatory project?

There various ideas that you can use to make a title of your science investigatory project. You can come up with a title based on the content, the process or the end result expected.

What are the characteristics of science investigatory project title?

"Make something out ofnothing"

How can you make an investigatory project by using kamias fruit?

using it in a battery

How do you make an investigatory project out of banana?

test , eat , do anything with the banana

How do you make a math investigatory projects?

There are an infinite number of ways you can make a math investigatory project. You could question why an equation leads to a certain answer for example.