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I have no idea where you've heard this but tell the person who told you that there is no way to do this. There is nothing in toothpaste that can "read" the hormone levels etc in your urine.

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Q: How do you make a homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste?
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How can you make homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste?

you can't

What color should your urine be after taking a homemade toothpaste pregnancy test?

There are no home made pregnancy tests. Toothpaste can not pick up on pregnancy hormones.

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How can you make a pregnancy test with a toothpaste?

get a two spoons of white toothpaste and mix it with your urine and then wait until it changes color too blue. this may not me accurate but its always sure enough to get a real pregnancy test

Can a homeade pregnancy test be trusted?

No. Pregnancy tests test for the presence of HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin). I have no clue what your "homemade" pregnancy test consists of, but I seriously doubt it can be trusted.

How do you make homemade pregnancy test that will be accurate?

There are a lot of pregnancy tests that are available nowadays, but a number of people out there prefer to try out homemade pregnancy tests. Even though these tests are not 100% accurate, there are hundreds of videos on YouTube and blogs out there that demonstrate homemade pregnancy tests. Some of them are: Toothpaste test Salt test Baking soda test Bleach test, etc. Last December (2020), I was looking for such ideas, as I was way too late for my periods, and was hoping that I might’ve been pregnant. So I decided to take up the pregnancy test with salt that I came across the previous evening on a Parenthoodbliss website as I didn’t have the over-the-counter pregnancy test kit at home. The test was pretty simple, where I just had to mix 1 or 2 tbsp salt with my morning urine sample in a disposable glass. To my surprise, the mixture became a little frothy. But as I still wasn’t sure, I took the over-the-counter test the next morning and started crying tears of joy! I told my husband and we’re expecting our little girl in July 2021.

How many Tylenol pills do you crush up in the peroxide for a homemade pregnancy test?


How can you make a homemade pregnancy test with household items?

You can't. There is no quick, simple, reliable test using things a normal person would have lying about the house. Home pregnancy test kits are immunoassays based on antibodies for human chorionic gonadotropin. They're quick, reliable, and fairly inexpensive. Pop down to the drug store and buy one.

Can you make a pregnancy test out of acetaminophen?

No, you cannot make a pregnancy test out of acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol®, also known as paracetamol).

Can a low sprem count make a home pregnancy test say negative?

Sperm has nothing to do with a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test is done by a woman to find out if she is pregnant or not. She pees on it and it detects the pregnancy hormone.

Do homemade pregnancy test really work?

no!! it is one of he main reasons people contract aids and it is why the nhs are trying to ban all of these products

Can a boy buy a pregnancy test?

Yes, a boy can buy a pregnancy test. But, just because they can doesn't make them want to.