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Well, basically you get some clay (model magic to stay dry) and you mold it into a sphere. Then you get a carving knife and make triangles in the sphere. (actually, I'm just guessing) hoped this helped! (o^_^o)

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You can make a model of a globe with paper Mache. You will need a round balloon, newspaper strips, liquid starch, scissors, large bowl, blue, yellow, and white paint and paint brushes.

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Q: How do you make a model of a geodesic dome?
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How can you make a super dome with paper?

Answer:You can make a geodesic dome.

When was the geodesic dome invented?

The geodesic dome was invented in the late 1940's

Who uses geodesic domes?

A geodesic dome is a spherical shape generally created using small triangles strategically places to make a round shape. One example of a geodesic dome is the Epcot Center in Disney World. They also have play grounds for children that are half spheres made from the triangles mentioned above that would technically qualify as a geodesic dome.

What is a real world example of a Geodesic dome?

The 'big ball' at Epcot in Orlando Florida, is a Geodesic sphere. The old dome-like playground equipment is based on the same structure as a geodesic dome. I've posted a couple of links about geodesic domes with some pictures.

What is a geodesic dome build?

a dome that is built out from straight parts

What can a geodesic dome be used for?


Why does a geodesic dome stay up?

The basic concept of a geodesic dome is very simple. It is composed of a series of triangles, and the triangle is a rigid shape. That's why the dome stays up.

Which city is geodesic dome?

a2p krew.

Who desinged the geodesic dome?

Buckminster Fuller

Where is the largest geodesic dome located?

The largest geodesic dome is the Fantasy Entertainment Complex and is located in Kyosho Isle, Japan. It stands at 710 feet.

Which is better - a monolithic or a geodesic dome home?

A monolithic is better than a geodesic dome home. A monolithic dome home is more cost effective and energy efficient. It can also withstand disasters better.

How many equilateral triangles in a geodesic dome?

The answer varies depending on the exact type of geodesic dome you are using. A 2 frequency and 4 frequency geodesic domes use 20 equilateral triangles despite the two-frequency having many more faces than the 2 frequency where the 3 frequency geodesic dome (150 sided) uses none at all. The above calculations, however, are only common to a certain architectural model. Assuming the domes are built mathematically instead of according to architectural integrity, the number of equilateral triangles in a "pure" dome, a geodesic sphere, is exactly equal to the number of faces, by definition.