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First, you need to gather information about the main goods of Nevada. Once you have that information, along with the amounts in numbers, values, or other measurement of the amounts, draw a circle. To add the goods, be sure the amounts are all represented by the same measurement, either dollar values, numbers that are made, numbers that are sold, etc. To add those to the graph, represent them by drawing lines like you are making pieces of a pie. For example, if the goods are corn 50%, ladies clothing 10%, processed foods 25% and other 15% (must add up to 100% and these are not necessarily representative of the actual main good of Nevada). Now, add the easist to add to the circle. Draw a straight line down the middle of the circle. Write in corn 50% on one side of the line. Draw a line on the opposite side that is in the middle of that side. Write in processed foods 25% on one side of the line. You have ladies clothing 15% and other 10% left. In the empty space, draw a line that is a little over half of the space. Add ladies clothing 15% to the larger space and other 10% to the smaller space. Your pie graph is done.

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