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cylinders make everything stronger

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Q: How do you make a piece of paper hold a lot of weight?
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What paper structure will hold the most weight?

a bridge will hold the most take and make like a fan out of the paper

How do you make a piece of paper hold 200 lbs?

One way to make a piece of paper hold 200 lbs is by folding it multiple times to create a stronger structure. Alternatively, you could layer several pieces of paper on top of each other and glue them together to distribute the weight. Ultimately, the paper's ability to hold such weight will depend on various factors like the type of paper and the distribution of force.

How do you make a square piece of paper?

Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it diagonally until you have a triangle that is two pieces of paper thick, Cut of the piece of paper that does not make up part of the triangle unfold it and you have a square.

How do you make a pastry bag out of parchment paper?

with a piece of paper

How do you make a bush out of paper?

crush a piece of paper and tape it.

How do you make a bush out of construction paper?

crush a piece of paper and tape it.

How do you make a paper grenade?

take a piece of paper and put it in a bottle and take a piece of string and light the string

Where can you make a picture of a zombie?

On a piece of paper

How do you make a big paper airplane?

Use a big piece of paper, or make one with cardboard and staples.

How do you make paper weight?

because it is less weight and it is transparent.

How do you make signs for myspace?

get a piece of paper and writ on it

How do you make a piece of paper disappear?

One way to make a piece of paper disappear is by tearing it up into small pieces or shredding it. Alternatively, you could also burn the paper until it turns to ash. Remember to dispose of the remnants properly and responsibly.