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Manipulate the light around it.

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Q: How do you make a smaller and sharper shadow when you cannot move the object?
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How do you make shadows sharper?

To make shadows sharper, you can increase the light source’s intensity, focus the light on a smaller area, or decrease the distance between the object and the surface where the shadow is cast. Using a direct, strong light source positioned closer to the object will also help create sharper shadows.

What will happen to shadow if the light is moved away from the object?

The shadow will become smaller

How can you make shadow bigger?

If you put your object further backwards your shadow will become bigger but if you put your object more forwards your shadow will become smaller!

How do you make a shadow bigger or smaller?

if an object is moved closer to the light source, the shadow gets bigger,if it goes further away,the shadow gets smaller

Why are shadows sometimes fuzzy and sometimes sharp?

I understand that the closer the object to the light source the sharper the shadow and visa versa or depending on the intensity of the light source the more intense the light the sharper the shadow. However I have recently had a shadow problem that has made me question this. I have tried 3 different materials of almost equal dimensions and found that out of the 3 materials (cardboard, wood, aluminum) I found that aluminum produces a significantly sharper shadow. I can not explain this.......

How do you make a smaller and clearer shadow when you can not move the object?

Move the light source farther away from the object.

Is your shadow bigger or smaller when your closer to the sun?

The closer you are to the light the smaller the source of light gets, but at the same time the closer you are to the light the stronger the light. the further you are to the light the weaker the light.

Why a fuzzy shadow is formed?

The size of shadow an object casts, is directly related to the position of a light source. the higher up a light source is in relation to the object, the shorter the shadow will be. Shadows cast by objects lit by the sun in the morning or evening are long, because the sun is low in the sky. At mid-day, the shadow is shorter because the sun is higher. Try it yourself with a torch - and see !

How do you describe a shadow?

A Shadow is the absence of light next to an area of light. The absence of light is caused by an object that is in the direct path of light so that light cannot reach the area that the shadow is in. Light cannot go around an object and is therfore blocked by objects creating an absence of light that is proportional to the object that is blocking the light.

Is there a relationship between the distance of the light source and the object?

The further the light source is from the object, the smaller the shadow formed and vice versa.

Why don't upright objects cast a shadow when the sun is at its zenith?

The shadow is formed exactly below the object. So it cannot be seen.

When light falls on an object which side do shadows fall?

The shadow will fall on the opposite side that the light hit the object. Assuming that the object is a solid object that you cannot see through, there would be no light on the other side, hence causing the shadow.