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Project AThe standard school project model is usually made of paper mache. You need water, flour, used newspapers or similar sheets of paper, a large piece of cardboard for the base, poster paint and brushes. A picture of the Himalayas to use as a guide could be helpful.

Mix a paste of flour and water that is a thick liquid. You will be able to tell if it's too thick or too thin by the way it behaves when to begin to build your structure. You can add more water or more flour as needed.

Start by taking various size sheets of paper, dipping them in the paste mixture and crumpling them loosely into various size balls. These will be the core structure of the mountains. Arrange them on the cardboard base as the mountains will be arranged. Build on these structures with more crumpled paper until you're satisfied with the basic shape of the mountains. Then, tear the remaining paper into strips in varying widths. Dip them in the paste and lay them over the base structures, molding them as you go with the ridges and crags of the mountains. Keep doing this until you are satisfied that the mountains look like your vision.

Let the structure dry. Depending how wet it is, this may take a couple of days so plan ahead.

When it is sufficiently dry, paint the whole project; black, grey, white, and anything else that your artistic eye desires; dark brown or green for the foreground. Allow that to dry and you should be done.

Project BIf you are more artistic, you might try a diorama style. This is a faster and will be more stable when you are done. You will need a good supply of corrugated cardboard, a box cutter or strong scissors, glue (white glue is fine), poster paint and brushes (Or you could cut colored paper into the same shapes as the cardboard pieces and glue them to the pieces of cardboard instead of painting them. You would have to do this as you built your mountains instead of painting it when done.) Having a picture as a guide would be helpful.

Make a base and background by cutting one of the boxes down to about two-three inches tall and prop it upright. Then cut cardboard pieces into the shapes of the mountains, building layers that grow slightly smaller as you go; cut enough irregular pieces to show the ridges and crags, perhaps ending in the front with some small trees or bushes for the bottom of the foreground.

If you have not used colored paper as you went, all you have to do now is paint it.

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