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The basic WoW macro for saying when you cast is like this:

/say "I'ma Chargin Mah Fireball"

/cast Fireball

It gets a bit trickier when you dont want it to say that all the time, or want to say a random saying from a list of sayings. For this it is better to download and use an addon for WoW from one of the reputable Addon sites listed in the related links section.

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When you create a macro using the Macro menu (type /macro and hit enter) you can add a line using /say, /yell or /raid, which allows you to broadcast a message to one of these channels.

For example, say that you want to say that you have cast Fear Ward as a priest, while casting the spell (note, %t in a macro means that the name of your current target is displayed). That macro might look like this:

/say Fear Ward on %t!

/cast Fear Ward

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Q: How do you make a wow macro say something whilst casting but not say it all the time?
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