

How do you make an egg capsule?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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If you use newspaper, it can cushion the egg and make the egg safe to survive. You can also add paper towel and a container to keep the egg from cracking.

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You can't bad egg is a really bad glitch the only way to remove it is to restart your gamesorryWRONGGo to any in-game trade, eg. north west house in snowpoint city, and offer any bad egg that isn't the pokemon asked for; it will remove the ball capsule, the pokemon can then be released as normal :)~theqwertyosc

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There are many, upon many different types of egg drop capsules that you can create. What I do, is I use some drinking straws for the outer layer, to keep the box light, and it won't bounce as much. As of the inner-layer, I use some packing peanuts, yet leave a small hole leaving for the egg. Make sure that there are some space remaining when the egg is in, so the impact isn't extreme.

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From personal experience, you don't. It is impossible. You can also restart the game.

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The two layers that make up the fibrous capsule is what reinforces the capsule. The stratum fibrosum and the stratum synovial are what prevents the joint from dislocating.

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* Can you make an unfertilized egg hatch? No

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