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To make an egg drop with straws cut six straws into quarters. Lay each straw side by side, and tape them together. Repeat the steps for the side portions. Attach five draws to each side, and five more on top to create a roof.

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Q: How do you make an egg drop with straws?
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Egg drop design with only glue and straws?

cut the straws in half and glue them side by side and make a tiny box in which the egg fits and for the bottom part, take a lot of straws and cut them so that you can weave them together-it'll work, trust me

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Dgfdhtjgngngngngngngngngngngngngnhjhjhjhjmn .lok

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take ten of the straws and make a cone type thing tape them all together.Do the same thing to the other strawsbut flip it upside down. it would look like this \/ /\but thev would be connected

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There are many, upon many different types of egg drop capsules that you can create. What I do, is I use some drinking straws for the outer layer, to keep the box light, and it won't bounce as much. As of the inner-layer, I use some packing peanuts, yet leave a small hole leaving for the egg. Make sure that there are some space remaining when the egg is in, so the impact isn't extreme.

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dont drop the egg.

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how to make a table with straws

Do straws make you fart?

yes straws do make you fart

How do you build an egg protector with 20 straws and 1 meter of tape?

This may not be the best way but it sure does work here's how. Take four straws and make a square. Repeat this four more times. After you are done make a cube out of them. Place the egg in. Take the tape and use it to fill in the gaps in the cube.

How many straws you need to make a cube?

I need 100 straws.

How can I keep a raw egg from cracking using only straws and tape?

Assuming that you are going to drop the egg from various heights, this can be accomplished by creating a larger shell around the egg to absorb the impact. Try to create as large of a cocoon as possible for the egg as your main problem is to stop the egg from directly taking the impact.

What are the procedures to an egg drop in which the egg can drop 20 feet using tongue depressors jumbo paper clips pipe cleaners cotton puffs popsicle sticks straws rubber bands yarn and elmers glue?

Why don't we make it easier on you. Your teacher wants to know how this is done, but apparently you don't. So have the teacher log into WikiAnswers and we'll go through it together.

How many straws will make a cube?

12 straws