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Q: How do you make an working portable dam?
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No they aren't planning on a portable xbox360 as they are working on a xbox360 slim

How do you make a dam?

A dam is simple to make there is a turbine and a big concrete structure that holds water on the other side of the dam. The turbine is in the dam and is turned by the water coming threw the dam.

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"Benefits of remote working system" -- It has less operational risks --Save time if it operated frequently --Operate from anywhere & make the device as portable

How a dam is used to make electricy?

How a dam is used to make electicity The dam holds back water from a river or similar.

How does a beaver make its dam?

they cut down trees with there teeth then use the trees to make a dam

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something is said to be 'portable' if you can take it with you...

How can you make your PlayStation Portable a touch screen PlayStation portable?

You can't make it. in youtube its fake.

Any Working project for science exhibition?

dam will be good idea

What is a dam or a lodge?

a dam is made by a beaver which they make to stop the flow of water

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Search for "Portable IE7" or "Portable Internet Explorer 7" in Google