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I have read about suitable papyrus substitutes made from corn husks, or iris leaves, or other suitable vegetable materials using pretty much the same methods as papyrus manufacturing, only substituting these materials for the papyrus itself.

I have not yet tried this myself, but plan to some time in the future.

I have read that even the papyrus scrolls you buy on the street in Egypt are more than likely made of these materials instead of true papyrus. They suggest going to a reputable shop for the real deal.

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What plant did the Egyptians collect to make papyrus?

Papyrus reeds that's why they call it papyrus paper

What can you do with papyrus?

papyrus was used in ancient Egypt. with papyrus you can make paper. i know you might of always thought paper was made of trees but it wasn't.

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Egyptians used papyrus stems to make paper

What is the plant Egyptians used to make paper?

i believe that was papyrus

What plants make paper?

The pulp from trees is used to make paper nowadays, but in ancient Egypt they used cyperus papyrus to make a paper product which has proven to be very durable. .

Do they still make paper out of papyrus in Egypt today?

Egyptians use Papyrus reeds to make papyrus, baskets and sandals. It was also used for column houses and rafts for river boats.Papyrus is a plant that was used for paper-making and weaving.

The Egyptians used papyrus to make what?

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What papyrus steams make?

A form of paper

What paper-what paper-like material did the Egyptian make and use to write on?

They used papyrus paper made from pressed and dried stalks of the papyrus plant