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| To make higher pitched sounds you place your fingers further away from the scroll, which is also nearer to your chin. These are usually the fingers of the left hand.,, Tom play lower pitched notes you place your finger tips onto the string nearer to the scroll. The scroll is that "curly" end of the violin close to the pegs which can be turned tighter or looser to "tune" the strings to their correct pitch.

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13y ago

to make higher pitch tense the string and to make lower pitch loose the string

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Q: How do you make high sounds and low sounds on a violin?
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If you are asking about the violin making low sounds, then it can, but not as low as, per say, a stand up bass. If you're asking about loud sounds, then yes. Compared to the other instruments in the orchestra (viola, cello, bass), the violin is the easiest to hear.

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i was gonna ask that question

Is a violin a high pitch or low pitch?

It's a relatively high pitched instrument.

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Low-pitch sounds have lower frequencies, meaning they vibrate slower than high-pitch sounds. This difference results in low-pitch sounds having deeper tones, while high-pitch sounds have a sharper, more piercing quality.

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Another word for make low sounds is "murmur."

How can you make difference between high pitch and low pitch sounds?

Change your voice idiot.

Does a violin make a high pitched sound or a low pitched sound?

Compared to a tuba, it's higher. Compared to a piccolo, it's lower.