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Cut corrugated cardboard into 3-4 strips to fit the length of your container and cut 6-8 strips to fit the width of the container. The height of the strips can be anywhere from 3" to 5" inches depending on the size of your ornaments. Cut slots into each strip, leaving the top inch of each strip uncut. Slide the slotted strips into each other to create a grid similar to an old fashioned ice tray or similar to the cardboard dividers in wine case. Create as many layers as your container will hold. A flat piece of cardboard can be used to as a divider between layers. Use shredded paper (like Easter basket grass) to cushion each ornament. Tissue paper or paper towels can also be used.

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An ornament that was given as a gift or kept because of sentimental or personal reasons would be considered a Christmas Keepsake if the purpose of the ornament was as decoration on Christmas. Many companies also use the word Keepsake as a brand type to make their Christmas ornaments seem more attractive.

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I don't think that they did.

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A color wheel ornament can look really nice on a Christmas tree and looks different than the traditional ball like ornament. You can probably purchase some at Pier One, but it would be really fun to make your own with your kids. Check Pinterest out for some Christmas ornament craft ideas.

What are five ways to use a broken Christmas tree ornament?

Here are a few thingsd you can do with a broken ornament: 1. You can make a hole in a peice of the ornament, put a string through it, and tie a knot. You have yourself a necklace or a bracelet. 2. You can make a hole in the main peice of the ornament, put a strign through it, tie a knot, and attach it to the Christmas tree. 3. Grab a dustpan, a broom, and sweep up the mess. Then, throw the ornament in the garbage.

What are some ideas for easy to make Christmas ornaments for kids?

A pom pom ball christmas ornament can easily be made by kids or a gum drop ornament could be made and decorated. Alternatively a paper mache ornamental ball to hang from the christmas tree.

What kinds of Christmas ornaments could make good gifts for a sister of yours?

Depending on what your sister's interests are, there could be a variety of Christmas ornaments that would make good gifts for her. A suggestion is a handmade personalized ornament with her name or initial on it. An ornament with a popular Christmas image such as an angel, snowman, poinsettia, snowflake, or Santa could make a good gift.

What are some ideas that can be used to make Christmas ornament balls?

Some ideas to make Christmas ornament balls is to use tissue paper and fold the ends together to form a triangle. Insert a cardboard of the same rectangular shape at the top point and then use a Christmas hanger to adorn the Christmas tree. The tissue should be colored red, green or white.

What should I make personalized Christmas ornaments out of?

Not too many supplies are needed to make a nice ornament. You could buy a simple plastic, or glass, bulb ornament and decorate it with glitter, ribbon, and small trees.

Is there a Christmas ornament in which you can insert a photo?

Yes, there are quite a few available photo hanging ornaments. You can also make them.

What could be a perfect experiment for christmas science?

Some examples of Christmas science experiments are: Make your own snow, magic crystal Christmas tree, coloured flame pine cones, copper plate a Christmas ornament.