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usually there are two different ways to say the word you want, for example:
The teacher el profesor or la profesora
The Friend el amigo or la amiga
la is for feminine and el is for masculine:)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female, common gender nouns for words that have no specific gender, and neuter noun for words that have no gender. Examples:

gender specific nouns for a male







gender specific nouns for a female







common gender nouns for a male or a female







neuter nouns for things that have no gender







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βˆ™ 11y ago

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female, for example mother and father or rooster and hen.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

le or la

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Q: How do you make masculine and feminine words in Spanish?
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Is rouge masculine or feminine?

It's "rouges"... to make a word masculine plural you simply add an s

What does esas mean in English?

The simple answer is "that" but be aware that the reverse is not always true. In Spanish there are six forms for each demonstrative, a masculine, a feminine, and a neuter, each with a singular and plural form. Tis particular form is feminine and plural, in context it should make sense then which noun is being referenced.

Is the word mer masculine or feminine in french?

Some rules: Nouns as things. They have a fixed gender: masculine or feminine and can be detected by some rules. a) MASCULINE 1. The noun ends in: -ier,-age, -as, -ement, -ament, -in, -is, -on, -oir, -eur. Un encrier, le canotage, le platras, le chargement, le testament, le patin, un abattis, le coupon, le parloir, un compositeur. 2. Names of trees: le chêne, le pommier. 3. Names of metals: le fer, le cuivre, le soufre. 4. Languages: le roumain, le russe, le français. 5. Days, months, seasons; le mardi, le riant Avril, le printemps, un bel automne. 6. ending in -a: le cholera, le mimosa. b) FEMININE 1. Nouns formed with suffixes which express action, acquiring the disease (-ade,-ie,-aine,-aison,-ande,-ence,-esse… La baignade, la jalousie, la quinzaine, la livraison, la trahison, une offrande, la clémence, la richesse, la bonté, la morsure, la tuberculose. 2. Science: la chimie, la grammaire. 3. Religious holidays: la Saint-Jean, la Saint-Nicolas Other chapters. Nouns like names of beings. The formation of the feminine gender by the derivation of masculine form. Special forms for the two genders Same form for both genders Particular cases - Homonym nouns with opposite gender - Gender of names (Louis - Louise) - Geographical names

Is un bΓ’ton de colle a masculine word?

yes, because if it has an e it would be feminine and the word baton de colle is masculine.

When to use las or los in Spanish?

El and La mean "the" but you only use them when talking about one thing. Like a singular word. Ex- El Libro- the book. La fecha- The date. Also they identify gender. El is for masculine words (usually ones that end in "o") and la is for feminine words (usually ending in "a"). Los means "The" but plural. Los is the plural "The" for EL, and Las is the plural for "La". If you are talking about something that would be plural you would have to make the "The" plural and the thing plural. Ex- El libro- The book to Los libros- the books. La fetcha-the date to las fetchas-the dates.

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All Spanish hair color?

Dark Haired: Moreno (Masculine)Red-headed: Pelirrojo (Masculine)Blond: Rubio (Masculine)Brown Haired: Pelo Castaño (Masculine)To make it feminine, change the O to an A. You use O for males and A for females.

Is rouge masculine or feminine?

It's "rouges"... to make a word masculine plural you simply add an s

How do you use questo and questa in Italian?

"Questo" is used for masculine singular nouns, while "questa" is used for feminine singular nouns. Both are demonstrative adjectives that mean "this" in English. Make sure to match the gender and number of the noun when using these words.

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Trescientascincuenta and trescientos cincuenta are Spanish equivalents of the English number "350." Birthplace and personal preference make clear whether the "300" and "50" are merged (case 1) or separated (example 2) in the feminine (instance 1), masculine or mixed feminine and masculine (option 2). The respective pronunciations will be "trey-SYEN-ta-seen-KWEN-tas" and "trey-SYEN-ta-seen-KWEN-tos" in Uruguayan Spanish.

Is the word it feminine or masculine in french?

In French, the word "it" does not directly translate as feminine or masculine because it depends on the gender of the noun it represents. So, when using "it" in French, make sure to match the gender of the noun it replaces.

What is the feminine of conduct?

In English, most nouns (including conduct) are neither masculine nor feminine. Thus, your question does not make sense.

Nouns end with what make then masculine?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female, such as male and female.Examples of gender specific nouns for males are:boarboybrotherbuckbulldukefatherkingpeacocksonstallionuncleYou will note that these nouns for a male do not have an ending that indicates that they are words for a male.

How do you make the Spanish word tengo feminine?

The word "tengo" is already gender-neutral in Spanish and does not change to be feminine. It can be used for both males and females without modification.

Why are there three words for the in German?

In German, "der," "die," and "das" are the three words for "the" because German has grammatical gender. Nouns in German are classified into one of three genders (masculine, feminine, or neuter) and the definite article must match the gender of the noun it precedes.

What is a feminine noun?

English doesn't make the the same sorts of distinctions between masculine, feminine and neuter nouns as do some languages. For example Spanish distinguishes gender of all nouns very specifically using the terms "el" (for masculine nouns) and "la" (for feminine nouns). Many languages do the same (e.g., French and German - not always logically - Mark Twain has a delightful discussion regarding the inconsistent use of masculine and feminine distinctions in German in his essay "The Awful German Language"). So let's talk about some specifics. English does have masculine, feminine, and neuter pronouns. The masculine pronoun is "he", the feminine pronoun is "she", and the neuter pronoun is "it". Although it is not classified as a feminine noun, a ship is usually referred to as "she" rather than "it". In addition, English very definitely makes distinctions between masculine and feminine nouns in other ways. For example, the nouns "man, bishop, bull, prince, boar, rooster, stag, and gentleman" refer only to males in English. The nouns "woman, princess, nun, empress, hen, sow, and lady" refer only to females. And, of course, there are the nouns "male" and "female."

What does el la grande mean?

"El la grande" does not make sense in Spanish. "El" is a masculine singular article and "la" is a feminine singular article. Can you provide more context or specify the correct phrase you are referring to?

What is sailor in Latin?

Nauta (Genitive Nautae) is a masculine word in the first declension. When using adjectives, make sure to use the masculine gender even though this word "looks" feminine.