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the answer is ubersimple, just not really known,..hold the A button, then drag the mouth-arm-anything to the body, tadaaa, it only apears on one side, not on both xD, simple eh? sadly nearly no-one knows about it, heh

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Q: How do you make one arm in Spore?
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Which spore is the one with five stages?

There is one main game which is the one that says SPORE and has a picture of a space ship. The rest are spore ad-ons which which means you can buy them download them and them on to spore which you do like you install spore and they make the game better. The one with five stages is the main game.

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If you reffer to the one that is on the grox, that is not available(unless you hack it.) There is Bot parts promotion on on North American Dr. Pepper bottles (Unfair, I know)

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you can make a lot of creatures but only play as one.

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no it comes with it on the main menu click create and make one or go into the main game and start evolving

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You need to be 13 to make a spore account

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No one can answer unless you specify which game of Spore you are playing (Spore Heros, Spore Galactic Adventures, etc.).

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If you mean Spore Galactic Adventures, you should get it... You can make planets and stuff...

Can you have more then one file in spore?

try to make a new user if u have a ps3 or xbox

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No, running spore on a mac will not make it slow, but not meeting the system requirements will make it do close to nothing correctly.

How do you make a pack in spore?

You have to go to your nest and dance and sing to another one of your creatures. I hope that helps.