


A video game designed by the creators of The Sims and distributed by EA. Much of the game content is supplied by the players who control the evolution of a species from its beginnings as a unicellular organism into much more advanced creatures.

811 Questions

Do slime molds release spores?

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Asked by LaisyDaisy

Yes, slime molds release spores as part of their reproductive process. These spores are typically dispersed into the environment, allowing the slime mold to reproduce and form new colonies.

Moss spores form inside capsules that break open and shoot spores into the environment which does no help carry these spores to new areas?

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Asked by Tyman2007

Moss spores help spread by being ejected from the capsules into the environment. This dispersal method increases the chances of reaching new areas where the spores can germinate and grow. The shooting action propels the spores away from the parent plant, aiding in colonization and reproduction.

What is the difference between dandelion seed and spore?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dandelion seeds are produced by flowering plants through sexual reproduction, while spores are produced by non-flowering plants like ferns and mosses through asexual reproduction. Dandelion seeds are dispersed by the wind and can germinate into new plants, while spores are typically released into the environment to develop into new organisms without fertilization.

What type of spores does Lycopodium produces?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lycopodium produces spores known as homosporous spores, which are all of the same size and shape, allowing for a uniform dispersal method.

What is the function of the spores?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spores are reproductive cells produced by fungi and some plants. They are used for dispersal and survival, allowing the organism to reproduce and spread to new habitats. Spores are resistant to harsh environmental conditions, enabling them to remain dormant until they find suitable conditions to germinate and grow into a new organism.

What size is a fungal spore?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fungal spores can vary in size depending on the species, but they are typically in the range of 2-100 micrometers. Some spores can be smaller or larger than this range, but most fall within this size range.

Gametes spores are the product of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gametes are the product of a special type of cell division called meiosis, which produces haploid cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. Spores are also produced through a different type of cell division called sporogenesis, which is found in plants and some protists, resulting in haploid cells that can develop into a new organism.

What is the name of the reproductive structure in ascomycetes that contains spores?

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Asked by Wiki User

The reproductive structure in ascomycetes that contains spores is called an ascus. The ascus is a sac-like structure where the spores are produced and stored before they are released into the environment.

Plant spores are produced directly by?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plant spores are produced directly by sporophytes through the process of sporogenesis. Spores are reproductive structures that can develop into new individuals without the need for fertilization. They are dispersed by various means, such as wind or water, to enable the propagation of plants.

Difference between rhizopus and mucor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rhizopus and Mucor are both common molds belonging to the Zygomycota phylum. The main difference lies in their reproductive structures: Rhizopus produces specialized sporangia that contain sporangiospores, while Mucor produces sporangia without a specialized stalk, releasing sporangiospores directly. Additionally, Rhizopus is commonly found in soil and decaying plant matter, while Mucor is more frequently seen in indoor environments, particularly on food.

When spores germinate what generation develops?

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Asked by Wiki User

When spores germinate, the haploid generation develops. This generation goes through mitotic divisions to produce a multicellular structure called a gametophyte.

What is better to use a spore syringe or spore print?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using a spore syringe is typically easier and more beginner-friendly than using a spore print because it is ready to inoculate directly into the substrate. Spore prints are useful for long-term storage or for creating multiple syringes, but they require more steps and equipment to properly prepare for inoculation.

How do you get to two players on mushroom men spore wars for the Wii?

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Asked by Wiki User

To play with two players in Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars for the Wii, you'll need to connect a second Wii Remote. From the main menu, select the multiplayer option, and the game will guide you through setting up the second player to join the game. Each player will need a Wii Remote to play.

What kingdom is spores in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spores are found in the Kingdom Fungi. Fungi are a group of organisms that include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Spores are reproductive cells that are produced by fungi for dispersal and reproduction.

Why are seeds and spores different sizes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeds are typically larger than spores because seeds contain nutrients to support the growth of a new plant, while spores are smaller and designed for dispersal over long distances. Seeds are essentially plant embryos, enclosed in protective coats, while spores are single cells that can develop into a new organism under suitable conditions.

Which mouth is an omnivore's mouth in spore or How can you be an omnivore in spore?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Spore, the omnivore mouth is the "Sociable" mouth style. To play as an omnivore in Spore, you can start as a creature with both herbivore and carnivore parts on your body. This allows you to consume both plant matter and other creatures.

What are non - sporing bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Non-sporing bacteria do not form endospores, which are a dormant survival structure that some bacteria produce under adverse conditions. They are generally less resistant to environmental stress compared to spore-forming bacteria, but they are still capable of causing infections and illnesses. Examples of non-sporing bacteria include Escherichia coli and Salmonella species.

Sometimes acid-fast bacteria accept the spore stain and spores accept the acid -fast stain-why?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phenomenon occurs because acid-fast staining detects the presence of mycolic acid in the cell wall of bacteria, which is resistant to decolorization by acid-alcohol. Spores, which have a thick protein coat that is resistant to staining, can sometimes retain the acid-fast stain due to this resistance. Conversely, the resistance of acid-fast bacteria to decolorization can allow spores to be stained if present.

How are seeds and spores alike?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alike:They can grown into plants and can be different size and shpes.

Different: A seed has many cells. A spores has one cell.

Who is our creator?

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Asked by Wiki User

From a spiritual or religious perspective, different belief systems attribute creation to different sources such as a deity, the universe, or natural forces. From a scientific perspective, the current understanding is that the universe was created through the Big Bang and the formation of stars and galaxies over billions of years.

What is the difference between seeds and spores?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeds are produced by plants and contain an embryo, stored food, and a protective coating. Spores are produced by non-flowering plants, fungi, and some bacteria as a means of reproduction, and they are smaller, more primitive structures that can develop into new organisms under suitable conditions.

How do you open a communication in spore when you have your spaceship?

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Asked by Wiki User

there is a blue button down at the bottom left of the screen and will be flashing if the inhabitants of the planet want to talk to you.

How do you play spore without a CD?

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Asked by Wiki User

Search for the no CD carck in "Gamecopyworld"

What directx do you need for spore?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not necessary to play the game at all.