


First released in 1989 by Maxis, SimCity became a popular city-building simulation game. The SimCity series was Maxis' best selling line of computer games. This category should include questions about how to play or any technical questions about the game itself.

224 Questions

Why do a lot of Maxis Sim games feature Llamas?

Well, honey, those Maxis Sim games feature llamas because llamas are fabulous creatures that add a touch of whimsy to the game. Plus, who wouldn't want to see a llama roaming around their virtual world? It's like having a quirky sidekick that spits at you occasionally.

In SimCity Creator DS in the Global Warming Age I can't get past 7 percent approval. How do you get past the Global Warming Age?

To get past the Global Warming Age in SimCity Creator DS, you need to focus on reducing your city's carbon footprint. Plant more trees, invest in renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, and increase public transportation to reduce traffic emissions. Additionally, make sure to balance your city's growth with environmental conservation efforts to improve your approval rating.

How do you beat the global warming in simcity creator?

In SimCity Creator, to combat global warming, focus on reducing pollution by emphasizing clean energy sources like wind or solar power. Implement green policies such as recycling programs and encourage the use of public transportation. Plant trees and create green spaces to absorb carbon dioxide and reduce the city's carbon footprint.

How do you get your downloaded version of simcity 4 deluxe from your old computer to your new computer?

It all depends on what you actually downloaded, from where, and whether or not you saved that download. If the download was a legitimate purchase, then you should be able to re-download it from the same site you bought it from at no extra cost (check your account with the download provider). If you cannot re-download it, the only way to effect the transfer is to locate the download on the old computer, and copy it across using removable media (flash drive, writeable DVD, etc) or by networking the two computers together.

If you didn't save the download (you ran it instead) and you cannot re-download it, then you'll have no option but to purchase it all over again. If you're lucky, you might find a copy of the download in your Internet cache but if too much time has passed then it's unlikely to still be there.

Note that some downloads are often supplied as a "stub" installer. These are small EXE files that, when run, download the actual installation files and then perform the install. These are best avoided, especially if your Internet connection is slow. Standalone installers are better as you only need to download the installer once -- provided you save the download. Never run a download without saving it first, especially if it is a large download.

How do you connect two regions in Sim City 4?

All you have to do is make a road from your city to the edge of the map! It should say something along the lines of "Do you want to connect to this city". Pretty simple haha. Good luck!

How do you create a big city is sim city 4?

You can increase your population in Sim City 2000 by building power lines and adding water to houses. Make sure to add large commercial, residential, and industrial zones, but also give the sims enough transportation to get around. My recommendation is that you start with the power plant and power lines...that should keep the sims happy for awhile. :)

I looked up cheats for Simcity 3000 and the cheats didn't work on your game so why won't they work?

Have you do this: Cheat Codes While in the simulator, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + C to display a prompt box with a flashing cursor in the top left corner of the screen. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Where can you download simcity 4 full vsion free?

The Download

Downloading the files for Sim City 4 wont do anyone any good as you will need to install Origin, log into your account and stay online trough out your whole play.

But you will find the files in some torrent search engines and most file sharing sites, mostly the ones aimed at gaming like Fileplanet if you do not want to download trough Origin.

Why not

Maxis created Sim City, EA published it. They state you will need a online connection all the time due to saving and online features of the game. If you loose connection you will disconnect from the game. However users have no doubt this is because of piracy as you could just store your save-files locally and log on whenever you like to play with friends. Some data's about your city is stored on their server and used while you play making a offline mod glitchy.

Someone did

Yes, you can trick your game to keep playing offline, but without the possibility to save your game.

How do you make simcity 4 work on Windows Vista?

it depends. not if you have windows 7 or vista that doesn't matter . what you need to make sure is you have enough memory then pop the disc in and go through the procedure and there you have it.

What is the latest sim city game?

If you mean it like the core game it's sims 3 but if you mean expansion packs the most recent to come out is High end loft stuff, but Ambtions is coming out on 2nd June? Correct me if I'm wrong :)

How do you change a city's name in simcity 4?

Cntrl+Alt+Shift+X, then type in "whererufrom [new city name]"

Can you talk to people on sim city 4?

You can talk to your residents but not other people.

How do you install simcity societies destinations?

After Simcity 5 is downloaded, just follow the instructions on Origin to install it. The process should not be too complicated.

Where can 1 download sim city 2000 or 3000 for free?

You have to buy it :) The Only Simcity you can legally get for free is the Origional which is on the net somewhere. See the related links below to download the free version.

How do you get money on simcity 4?

Do You Mean Sim City 4? Just Press Ctrl +X at the same time then a box at a corner appears then type in weaknesspays and press ENTER

TIP: Just go online to find cool cheats for Sim City 4

What is the installation code for Simcity Societies?

its in the the manual


some codes