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Actually wht u shud do is simple. Wear water accessories in ur hair, and stuff. Look up things a mermaid wud say & tell ur friends that u r 1. Make ppl believe and be creative. But DONT get a fake tail. Thts a STUPID idea. U might think I'm wrong but it's true. U can tell those things r fake, make a video and add special effects or something. Just trust me on the tail thing tho. Anyway.... Thx 4 reading this!!!!!!! C u later! Bi

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Q: How do you make people think you're a mermaid?
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How can you make people in chat rooms think youre dead?

you can not

How do you make people think you have mermaid powers?

Just dress up like a mermaid and shoot out ice or water out of your own hand,leg,knee, or butt

Is it true when you toch water you turn into a mermaid?

No. It is not true. Mermaids are not real and people can not become mermaids (think how messy that would be). I hope you have taken a bath in your life or gone swimming did you turn into a mermaid? You have touched water and didn't become a mermaid. It is all make believe. Think. If you want to pretend to be a mermaid buy a mermaid costume.

What do you need to become a mermaid?

Mermaids are not real. You can not become a mermaid. It is physically impossible for people to change into other things. Think about it and you will know that it is not logical that a person can mix with a fish to make something. It is all make believe. If you want to pretend to be a mermaid get a costume.

What are the rules for saying the mermaid spell?

There is no such thing as a mermaid spells or mermaids. You can not become a mermaid it is not physically possible. If you think about this you know that people can not change into part fish and part human. It is all make believe and if you want to pretend to be a mermaid buy a costume.

Is being a mermaid a big secret especially to your parents?

You are NOT a mermaid. Mermaids are not real and people can not become mermaids. I imagine your parents would be surprised to find out that you think you are a mermaid. There is noting to be secret about since it isn't real. It is all make believe.

How do you make a mermaid and keep it in a glass of water but a tiny one?

You can draw a mermaid, or make one from clay, but you can't make a real mermaid because they don't exist. If you could do you really think one would like to live in a glass of water? Think. Mermaids are not real.

Haw to be a real life mermaid but youre cant go in the water at night?

There is no such things as mermaids and they are not real. They are from stories and myths. People can not become mermaids or change shape. Spells are not real and can't change people into mermaids. It is all make believe.

Is there a spell to become a mermaid that actually works?

No. There are no spells to make you into a mermaid. Spells are not real and can not turn people into anything or a mermaid. Mermaids are not real so it is all make believe.

How you know your girlfriend is turing into a mermaid?

I can promise you that your girlfriend is not turning into a mermaid. People can not change shapes or into other things. Mermaids are not real and there is nothing to change people ( think how messy it would be). It is all pretend and make believe. None of it is real.

How do you make a poshun that will turn you into a mermaid?

Nothing will turn you into a mermaid. Mermaids are not real and people can not change into mermaids. It is all make believe.

How old do you got to be a mermaid?

No age will turn you into a mermaid. They are not real and people can become a mermaids. They are make believe.