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Find ways of buying them cheaper - sell at same price

Find ways of making them cheaper - sell at same price

Find ways of shipping them cheaper - sell at same price

Find ways of improving their quality - sell at higher price

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Q: How do you make school chalk making business to be more profitable?
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Related questions

What are all the steps of making school chalk?

The process of making school chalk involves mixing plaster of paris and water to form a paste. This paste is then poured into molds and allowed to dry and harden. Once the chalk sticks are dry, they are removed from the molds and packaged for use.

What is the elemental making of chalk?

Chalk is a form of calcium carbonate - CaCO3.

What school supply is made of limestone?

Chalk is a school supply that is made of limestone. Limestone is ground into a fine powder and used to make chalk sticks which are commonly used on chalkboards.

What is chalk in tagalog?

Chalk (use for writing on a greenboard in school) in Tagalog is called Tisa but commonly it is still called chalk.

Is making chalk dust a chemical change?

No, making chalk dust is a physical change, not a chemical change. It involves the breaking down of the solid chalk into smaller pieces without altering its chemical composition.

Is the chalk used in the schools magnetic?

No well i am just telling you the answer i think because i went to a school that had chalk boards.

What was school life like in 1800 -1900?

very different it was strict and you wrote on slate with chalk[mini blackboard with chalk]

What metamorphic rock used in school?

It can be used for the chalk bords .

What common school item is made from a sedimentary rock?

Chalk is a common school item made from a sedimentary rock called limestone, which is mainly composed of the mineral calcite.

Is chalk a stationery?

Chalk sticks are a school supply, but not a stationery item; stationery is generally considered to be paper and envelopes for writing letters.

How much chalk is used in schools in one year?

It is difficult to provide an exact figure as it varies depending on the size of the school, number of students, and frequency of chalk use. However, a rough estimate is that an average school might use several boxes of chalk per year.

When did we start to use chalk?

Students were using chalk at school in the early 1800s. Teachers had large chalkboards and students had slate boards to do their lessons on.