

How do you make sperm cells?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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You must be a male. You will begin to make sperm at puberty. These are made in the testicles in the millions per day.

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Q: How do you make sperm cells?
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5Describe the differences between mature sperm cells and reproductive cells?

Reproductive cells divide to make sperm cells.

What process is used to make sperm cells and eggs cells?

The process to make either an egg cell or a sperm cell is meiosis.

What is added to sperm cells to make it semen?

Fluids from the prostate gland and the Cowper's gland combine with sperm cells in the seminal vesicles to make semen.

The what produce the sperm cells?

The testicles produce sperm adn testosterone, which helps to make you mature

What type of cells make gametes by meiosis?

Gametes are the haploid sex cells. In humans, the sperm and eggs.

Has how many chromosomes withn the egg cells?

All human gametes (sex cells), which means egg cells and sperm cells, have 23 chromosomes. When the sperm fertilises the egg, the 23 chromosomes from the egg cell and the 23 chromosomes from the sperm cell join to make cells with 46 chromosomes. In summary, all cells in the human body have 46 chromosomes, except sperm cells and egg cells, which have 23.

What are two names of the sex cells animals make?

Sperm, and Egg

Can animal cells make their own cells?

no because they did'nt meat the sperm cell and the egg cell.

What are sperm cells examples of?


What are the sex cells produced by a man called?

Make sex cells are called sperm and female sex cells are called ova

Do boys have many sperm cells more than girls?

women do not have sperm cellsANSWERwomen have egg cells. men have sperm cells

Why do sperm cells fail to unite with egg cells?

because the sperm cells fail to find the egg cells or the sperm isn't good to unite with the egg